Stick with me and the title will make some sense.
I hit up a favorite metro lake Sunday around 2:30 hoping to some pike. It’s my favorite pike lake the quantity is rarely there, but on a good day you can boat 2-3 an hour. On a bad day you’ll get one or two but they are worth the wait. Well Sunday was going to be the later of the two days. which I was not expecting, mainly because I forgot the camera
, and those always seem to be the best days. well after 4 hours of trying everything we had NOTHING, It was time to mix things up.
So I decide what better time to try some new BfishN ring worms I just picked up earlier in the day at Sportsman’s warehouse. So I head to a rock pile that I had been informed of last year but never made use of. So we get out there and start pitching the ring worms on a Chart. Orange jig. One Cast 3 pops and I have a fish on. (At this point I’m using my wife’s set up) M rod with Shimano Sidestab spooled with 6lb Spider Super Mono. Hardly what I would call Ideal, but hey when my set up was down, I had to use something, and I wasn’t about to break out the Pike combo for pitching jigs. Anyways back to the fish.
So on the 3rd lift of the jig I get a hit. I’m about as excited as a guy can be because this lake isn’t known for being a great Eye producing lake. and this fish seems to be a tank. Some nice short runs, no head shakes, but she’s keeping herself buried on the bottom. My buddy is already talking about having this thing mounted and telling me where to take it. I tell him to break out the net and then we can discuss that.
I raise the fish only to find a Nice healthy Tiger attached to the other end. So now my heart really starts racing. I have a tiger well over 6lbs, attached to the end of 6lb mono, with no leader. once she saw the boat she decided the gig was up and it was time to act like a Muskie. A few good head shakes, and a tour of my buddies boat later we net the girl. We get the net over the boat and Some how this fish is on the floor.
A good kick, and she ripped right through his net
So we put her on the tape, and she comes out to 36″ with a 21″ girth.
( I love this lake for it’s size fish have I mentioned that?) So after the quick measurements she’s back in the water, and enjoying life. So after I calm down a bit, I examine the ring worm and WOW Dave are these things amazing. My ring worm was good to go for round 2 not a tear in it, Heck it hardly even slid on the jig. So I toss it back, and on the 1st bounce, I get bit off.
I was only slightly disappointed because I thought I finally got a walleye out of this lake. Oh well Guess I have to go back again. So for anyone trying to catch a Musky on a tough day just start pitching ring worms. Apparently Dave has these so fine tuned anything will hit them.