Pool 2 Pike…is now a good time?

  • brice120878
    Twin Cities
    Posts: 51

    I was out on Pool 2 last week near the Ford Dam, tried for walleye, no luck. I’m new to the river, and I just figured out I can launch near 494 (MUCH closer to where I live) and there seems to be a lot of backwaters near there, like Pigs Eye Lake. Anyone think the pike fishing would be any good right now, on or near these backwaters (I know many of them may still be frozen)? Does anybody fish pike in these areas regularly? I think I’m gonna try tomorrow if its a bit nicer.

    Posts: 1455

    As far as I know the pike/bass/muskie season on Pool 2 is closed until normal opener for each species.

    St Michael, MN
    Posts: 1095

    Mississippi River ValleyValley (Ramsey, Washington, Hennepin, and Dakota Counties) walleye, sauger, smallmouth bass, and largemouth bass: Catch-and-release with a continuous season
    in the following stretches:
    a) Minnesota River downstream from the Mendota Bridge; b) Minnehaha Creek downstream from Minnehaha Falls; and c) Pool 2 of the Mississippi River between the Hastings Dam and the Ford Dam, including
    all backwater lakes and connecting waters except Crosby Lake, Pickerel Lake, Upper Lake, Little Pigs Eye Lake, and North Star Steel Lake.

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 2946

    These guys are Correct.. the Northern Pike season is closed. You can still fish for walleyes and smallmouth on p2(catch and release).

    If your looking for pike, take a trip to p4, they are open and there is a better population… not to mention big fish.

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 51

    Thanks guys, I thought it was open w/ catch and release for all fish…crap. Guess Pool 4 it shall be!

    Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403

    I’m sure sheephead is open

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