Strongest and Weakest Techniques

  • average-joe
    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2376

    Hey Guys I saw this question posted in a different forum and It kind of got me thinking We have alot of people with many different skill levels so I was just curious what you may think

    1. What is your strongest technique?
    2. What is your weakest Technique?
    3. What is a technique that you think needs some improvement?

    For Me it is as follows:

    The Good I’m pretty good at trolling.

    The Bad Staying motivated (I get defeated to easily, and I was unable to locate a steady fishing partner that can fish during the week when I’m available)(I’M STILL LOOKING TOO) Locating areas I know will consistantly hold fish (I pretty much pound the same spots over and over and I can’t seem to pull myself from that mentality to try new things), Casting (I’ve never caught one casting so I’m still learning this area)
    The Ugly I’d have to say just remaining positive and , aswell as not being afraid to try new things. 2008 can’t be much worse than 2007 so there is only one way to go and thats up

    Milford IA
    Posts: 2178

    Staying focused and being patient is my strong suite, casting by far is my thing. Trolling I suck at period. I can troll up walleyes but for some reason cant get a muskies to hit. Come fish with me sometime I’ll keep you going casting, we’ll only be out daylight till dark

    Derek Hanson
    Posts: 592

    strongest technique- I would say boat control. I’m pretty good at controlling the boat and staying on structure.

    weakest technique- I have many of them ufortunately and so I couldn’t come up with the most weakest. I have a tendency to throw the same lures constantly and at certain times of the day. Like for example, I might always throw a certain lure at prime time and a certain lure or technique (trolling) during the day. So, I’m never really giving these other lures a chance to catch fish because I’m not using them at high fish activity times of the day what many of us consider “prime time.”

    Like was already mentioned, I have a tendency to fish the same spots over and over on specific lakes. I know there are fish there, however, I’m really not learning about other potentially good spots on the lake. Also, not only am I fishing the same spots, but I have a tendency to fish the same spots at certain times of the day and so, I’m not really giving other spots a chance at that “prime time” hour.

    There are others, but we’ll leave it at that for now.

    Posts: 21

    I am a caster I like to fish the weed line when casting Catch alot of muskys on the weed lines. Strongest techniques would be throwing bucktails and top waters over the weed lines and the rubber dubber downand out from the weed lines.

    My weakest tech is Trolling I do not have the patience to troll. I need to work on fishing muskys over open water more. I caught 77 legal last year out of 178 in my boat. Was good year. also won a couple of tournaments.

    Derek Hanson
    Posts: 592

    Are you a guide?? Wow….hell of a year!! Nice job!! Any over 50 inches??

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    I guess casting has been my most productive technique so I guess that’d be my best. “Dangling” is a pretty good fall technique for me as well. Topwater and Trolling……… I get little (topwater) to no (trolling) response so I tend to think of these as my “uglies”. Unless, of course, we venture figure 8’s into technique. Plungepool can vouch, I’m good at finding fish and getting follows but as previous posts would state, I really struggle with closing the deal. THIS is the area I want to improve most. If you’ve got something that works for ya, it just kills ya to see the number of failed situations that I had this last year.

    Plunge my man, I have next to no time now that I’m haulin’ freight but we’ll get out again in’08. Let me know this spring what kind of schedule you have and we’ll try and set something up. If trolling’s your strong suit, I’ve been shown some areas of the Croix that are supposed to produce good trolling hits.

    MN Musky
    Ham Lake/Mille Lacs, Mn
    Posts: 120

    Im a caster, I suck at precision trolling. I am weak at exploration. I have my spots and am over confident in them.
    I can cast double tens all day and never give up. (However, that doesnt mean always hook up) But by far the technique that maddens me is the bulldawg’n I cannot get a dawg fish to save my life. I have several guide friends on the pond and others to compare notes, I have speciallized equipment for dawg’n and still I suck!!! I do have fun throwing them. I am waiting for my “dawg” year where I right my average.

    Posts: 21

    Yes I do guide. But I go to minocqua wisconsin area ever weekend to musky fish. This year I am going to fish more of the Wisconsin Musky Tour. I will be in minnasota from july 4 thru 10th Around cass lake and leech. I can not wait for is ice to melt. I my have to head to kentucky. Matt

    Mayer, MN
    Posts: 593

    My Strong Points:
    Eagerness to learn
    Focus early and late in the season due to success

    My Weak Points:
    Frustration during midsummer due to lack of success

    Plungepool I understand about getting defeated, messes with the mind and confidence levels. Then you start thinking about other species. Naughty thoughts.

    I have only been chasing muskies for four years and every year I am seeing more fish and last year caught the most and with the most techniques. Just keep trying and learning. Document what worked and patterns develop. I want to start documenting patterns that also don’t work. Learn from both.

    Posts: 2014

    Great post! From th sounds of it if we found a boat big enough for all of us the fish wouldn’t stand a chance. seeing as how everyones strengths are so different.

    My Strength would be trolling, and my determination. (I tend to be a stubborn little punk and will keep at it untill I get what I want or I run out of time.

    My mid range would be casting. I get some response but not as much as my trolling does.

    My weakness is top waters. Not sure why but I have only had one top water strike, and that was even a miss. Oh and my determination. ( I can be a stubborn punk and not give up which will ultimately drive me nuts.)

    Posts: 54

    Lets see,my strengths are my knowledge of the fish and forage,determination and experience.My weekness is jigs,I use em a few times a year and blank out.
    With that said,I have been a musky head for too many years,been there done that and still trying to do it! I have caught lots of fish but none over 50,yet…I can make Suicks dance,Jakes shake and Dawgs look like they are on thier last breath.Kinda cool to raise one then put a little twitch/shake and watch em eat.
    Good post! Paul

    “Ever Wonder Why There Are No Democrats On Mount Rushmore ? "
    Posts: 1216

    Been giving this alot of thought

    I really like to fish, besides time with my family, nothing is more enjoyable to me.
    I consider myself good casting with bucktails and topwaters, and get upset with any backlash.
    I keep all my equipment in great working condition.
    I think I have a good understanding of a number of waters in WI (Hayward) and a couple around the TC.

    I am similar to Plungepool, I have lost two partners to jobs outside the TC and struggle to find people to fish with on Saturday mornings now. I need more time on the water to improve.
    My trolling leaves a lot to be desired.
    I cannot seem to be consistent. One year pretty good, next year nothing. I cannot seem to use my strengths to my advantage.


    Posts: 1455

    Strengths for me=none. I’m too dumb to catch dumb fish with tiny brains.
    Weaknesses=being too dumb to catch dumb fish fish with tiny brains

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 51

    Strengths: I have quite a bit of time to fish during the weekdays, and I’m a good accurate caster. I try to keep my lure selections to just a couple of each type to cut down on the boat clutter and confusion (if I have too many lures I spend more time trying to decide which one to use than I do fishing), such as 2 shallow cranks, light and dark colors, 2 bucktails, light and dark, etc.

    My weaknesses: Effectively using my sonar. I can read depth, bottom composition, and weeds just fine, but I cant get it to mark a nice fish arch for anything. I just see blobs, and I don’t know if the blobs are fish, bubbles, or what. I’m not really actually trying to find muskies with the sonar, just their habitat. But I can’t tell what is a school of bait and what is not. Also, like some of you guys before me, I tend to fish the same spots, and I HATE fishing in weeds, I tend to pound midlake structure.
    All of these are things I cant WAIT to work on this summer and fall…

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