A few of the guys that I fish with are really into the “whys” of Musky fishing. Over the years we/they have tried to get their hands on all reports/scientific studies that are out. One of them deals with the lateral line in Muskies. I won’t go into much detail other then they blinded a fish (Get the lynch mob oh my god) and then presented baitfish in the tank with it. It was still able to eat.
Another friend had small muskies in a tank that he fed. When he was to injure a minnow the Muskies would get it immediately.
I bet if I went to the Wet rag..oops I mean Walleye section of this website I would find numerous fishermen that would tell me of the Walleye/Crappie/Smallmouth that was fighting it’s way in and got hammered by a Muskie. My belief is that these fish were not just feeding by sight that they were feeding on the “sound”
To further that thought the success on the Double 10 bucktails (Cowgirls/ Triple X etc…) My personal feeling is that the size of this bait makes no difference (Other than it kills fish but that is another thread) That the reason this lure has had so much success is the disturbance or lateral line stimulation it creates. This same small group of guys has been testing a lure I came up with that gives off even more lateral line stimulation with very good results so far. Hopefully this continues…
Anyways As I think about pounder Bulldawgs and the noise they make..(they make alot of noise) Top water lures… Large twitch baits…. All lateral line stuff… What have you noticed about sound and fish response?
P.S. Sorry to those that think this is way to technical, but after 12 hours without a follow sometimes you start to think too much… S-