I can’t figure out how an “Outdoors Publication” can post a picture of an illegal fish and not realize the error? Who’s running these things? Journalists or sportsmen and women? If I ran a publication, I’d be as active as I could and endorse my employees to do the same. Those most passionate about their job and representing their personal interests are going to make the best writers anyway! Enthusiasm and convicton are often what make the articles work anyway. How else would Gillespie qualify as a Journalist? Granted, the guy irritates me to no end but he’s the one with the show, not me…….. therefore, it must work for somebody! And a lot of ’em! 
Anyway, I’m just as upset about those who should know better as those who just fish and pay no attention to what’s legal and/or ethical. There’s no excuse for either one.
Did anyone see the “Slurpies” promo from last year? I’m sure they had to update it because of stupidity but here’s the deal……..
At the beginning of the promo, they show all these nice big fish coming to the boat…….all kinds of species. All of a sudden, the bass fishing gets into a monster northern and they don’t have enough net. So they get under it, lift for all they’re worth, and about break the fish’s back bouncing it off the gunwhale! The fish comes out of the net and continues to writhe around in the boat, beating itself silly!
These are supposed to be professionals but their egos must’ve blinded better judgment!
Yes, nice fish but do they realize that there are those of us out there that realize what a knucklehead they’ve just demonstrated themselves to be??? Okay, so the fisherman are seeing things a bit foggy……… where’s the producer? The editor? The publisher? Do none of these people participate in the stuff they’re making?
Sometimes I just want to say, “Stop helping me! Get off my side!”. This isn’t what we’re about and I hate that the majority’s integrities are misrepresented.
There……… is that the kind of venting you’re looking for???