Head lamps at night

  • webstj
    Mazeppa, MN
    Posts: 535

    Any opinions on headlamps at night? Is it a must to keep them off until hook up? Any experiences with spooked fish, etc. or do they not seem to mind?


    Derek Hanson
    Posts: 592

    Since I never catch anything with my head lamp on or off at night, I really can’t say from experience. But, talking with other people it doesn’t really seem to matter if the head lamp is on at all times. In fact, it seems to benefit fisherman by seeing follows and maneuvering a better figure eight. I have never heard that it spooks fish, but who really knows the answer for sure.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I’m obvously not a mushy guy…but I’ve been on the water in the dark a few times.

    The Rayovac brand 3 in 1 head lamp uses 3 AAA batteries and you’ll get two to three nights of power out of a set of batteries.

    Personally, I like the red led’s better than the white light..although I’m not sure how they would work for seeing follows. The red light lights up everything in the close area I need to see and the sets of “eyes” of animals peering at me from shore or in the water. But I still have the option of the white led and a spot light of sorts if needed.

    For under $12.00 at Moore’s Bait and Tackle in Mpls, it’s worth giving a set a try.

    By the way, my $50. headlamp stays at home for when the power goes out. IMO it’s too bright and tells the buges it’s meal time.

    PS I should have taken a pic during the mayfly hatch last year.

    Dav. IA
    Posts: 146

    I know that when crappie fishing at night if you use a submersible “fish light” it makes everything in the water go crazy. Everything from the strangest of bugs to gar prowling just outside the light. Check your local laws because they are illegal in MN. We have slayed many crappie and believe it or not sauger fishing around them.

    So if a headlamp spooks fish I would be surprised. And remember that RED light does not effect your night vision like regular lights. Ask an astronomer.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2376

    I read and article in this last issue of Musky Hunter Magazine the article was “Becoming a night stalker” by Chad Cain. He says, Not to fish with the head lamp on. It also said that everyone in the boat needs to have one and if someone get a fish on they all turn their lamps on to help the guy fighting the fish, and a spot light is essential to this aswell.

    Minocqua, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3842

    I rarely fish with my headlamp on, but do fish (casting) with my boat lights on as I understand in most states is necessary to stay legal. To see the lure as it gets closer to the boat, I try to stick to baits that will stick out as they get close either with lighter colors or more intense vibrations. I also fish with standing next to my stern light watching my flasher in front and graph in back.


    I try to use a line that will reflect light from the stern light when walleye fishing

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2376

    Another thing I read in that Musky Hunter article is to use a glow bead or some glow tape on your leader so you can judge the distance to make your figure 8 or your oval.

    Mazeppa, MN
    Posts: 535

    I heard that also. Sounds like the way to go. I dont mind not using light or even not seeing the fish, but just want to maximize the performance and that was the key factor for wanting the light. For some reason the night thing has not been productive for me lately. Fortunately the daytime bite is improving. Here is a 45″ from labor day. Lost another one on a hideous hookset by me. Was one of those casts when you just feel a hit coming. I hate those cause I jumped the gun. Maybe I’m better off without the light, haha.

    Derek Hanson
    Posts: 592

    Nice fish!! Where did you get that one??

    The Pessimist
    Posts: 107

    I don’t like the headlamp on while fishing. I agree with Chad Cain that is can spook fish. I’ve never caught one with the headlamp on, but had some figure 8 fish in pitch black. Use the glow bead. They don’t glow much, but the soft ones help protect the tip of your rod from the leader. I think so much of it comes down to practice. The more you fish at night, the more of a feel you develope when the bait nears the boat. Start with a bucktail or spinner with silver blades. These give a flash that can be seen when there is ambient light.

    Posts: 245


    Nice fish!! Where did you get that one??

    Looks like a metro lake. I think i know where

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