LOTW Angle Muskies?

  • CPRDave
    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 62

    Hey all. I’m heading up to the NW Angle on Lake of the Woods next week, and wondering if anyone has been there recently and what the musky reports are? Thx in advance.

    cassville ,wis
    Posts: 3051

    Sorry Dave,but it’s always been a huge dream of mine to musky fish LOTW. Bob Mehsikomer on “simply fishing” fishes it almost exclusively I was told and catches some big fish. He throws the JackPot alot. Have a great and safe trip and am looking forward to your report when you get back

    Derek Hanson
    Posts: 592

    I’m pretty sure that the jackpot is the only lure Mehsikomer ever uses. I personally hate that lure because you might hook one out of ten fish that blow up on that lure.

    Posts: 70

    I havent been to the angle in a couple years but i have fished it this time of year. i stayed at monument bay when bill sandy was guiding out of there. expect alot of algea….. you can find areas where it is relatively clear, current areas, areas where the wind can blow the bloom away from sections. the big narrows area was a real good area, also if you can locate portage bay, that is the sweetest spot i found up there. its north and west of monument, you gotta go through a long narrows to get to it, be careful goin in there, cuz there is a reef dead in the middle of the narrows that isnt marked. if you dont hit it, FISH it. HOT SPOT!!!!! anyway good luck, and oh yeah, TOPRAIDERS& BLACK& ORANGE HAIR!!!!!

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 62

    Thx guys. I go up every year over Labor Day and last year the hot spot was Big Narrows, Portage Bay, and few areas around Falcon Island. The hot bait was orange/black pacemaker. I’ll experiment the first day this year and see what happens.

    BTW – we might have hit that reef last year. On the last day, we were heading home from Big Narrows to Oak Island and tagged an unmarked reef in about 2 ft of water going 40+ mph. No good. Took us 3 more hours to get back to the lodge at 5 mph on a swiss-cheese prop and bent shaft. Needless to say, I wrote a huge “NO” on my map…

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