Fishing Virgin Water

  • bzzsaw
    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3506

    When your out pounding the water casting for muskies, do you notice a difference in numbers of fish caught or follows if you fishing in the front of the boat verses fishing in the back of the boat? Specifically if your fishing with a buddy (one person fishing the front and one in the back).

    If I’m fishing the back of the boat, I find myself trying to stagger my cast and get to some of the virgin water. Granted, if I’m using a different lure, it might be enough to trigger a strike from a fish that didn’t like the first lure it saw.

    I guess I have more confidence and prefer if I’m fishing the front of the boat.

    I’ve also notice more success fishing the front of the boat dragging meat. But I’ve also had good success dragging a float with a big sucker way behind the boat.

    Does anyone have any tricks on how to make a fish bite your bait as opposed to your buddies? Not that I don’t like to see them catch something.

    Cedar, Min-E-So-Ta
    Posts: 1482

    As hard as it is to pull yourself away from the structure, often times the guy in the back is better served tossing out the “deep” side. That way the “team” covers twice the water, structure, and out from the structure.

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    Dan is right!
    Also, don’t be too negative about being in the back of the rig. Many times, you buddy up front will get the fish “fired up” or “interested”, then comes your bait and FISH ON!!!!!!!!

    I recommend that you and your buddy don’t throw the same presentation. “Typically”, the front man should be throwing more of a reaction bait (bucktail for example), while the guy in the back, more of a “finesse” bait (jerkbait for example).

    While most of your cast, you want perpendicular to the structure, it doesn’t hurt to “criss-cross” cast either. That can help get things fired up.

    Lastly, what is more important is “location” of the cast vs first cast. Know your structure of where the pockets, points, rocks are and cast correctly to them and you’ll be much happier!

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1394

    To fish or not to fish virgin water…that is the question. I think for sure that it is a confidence builder and I’m pretty sure it does make a difference too. Although, my best friend can cast the exact same water as I just did and catch the 40+” ski that was lurking there. Does that mean he’s a better fisherman than me? Probably yes, but the answer probably lies more in what type of mood a fish is in when trying to decide if you should be casting the other side of the boat or if you should be trying to aggrivate a fish into an anger bite that your buddy just started to tick off. A lot of the time, using a specific color is the only way you’re going to be able to catch a fish on….which I’m sure you already know. My rant is some fact some fiction but mostly just an opinion


    Posts: 70

    i think its about confidence, if you think your getting corked fishing in back then you are probably trying to fire your bait up in front of the guy in front anyway. i think if both guys are on the same page and the dude controlling the boat is going the right speed and positioning the boat so both have good angles to the structure all is good. using differsnt baits and trying to put together a pattern is what you are trying to do. mix it up. personally, the dude in back has it made, not having to controll the boat and just chunkin. im not sure the guy in front will outfish the guy in the back all the time, but im with buzzsaw, its nice gettin first shot at a nice piece of structure!

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    It’s hard for me to say which is better. I have a friend who’s got more experience with ski’s than I do and when we fish together, it seems like we split the action 50/50. I have confidence in his knowledge so I fish the lure suggestions and strategies with confidence. If I’m trying something new, I “BELIEVE” it CAN work. Typically, we both get our shot at fish or experience the same number of follows.

    When I’m in my boat, I’m controlling from the back and in no trips to date can I say that I wish I was up front. I almost always run the boat in a forward direction so my guest gets first shot at everything. But again, for whatever reason, I get my fair share so I do think it comes down to angler confidence, lure choice, and all the planets lining up just right!

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