I’m not questioning you I’m just curious. Do you know why delyaed mortality fish don’t float?
With the studies done on other species, when a fish swam away “unharmed”, they consistantly went down in the water column, eventually found a place to rest and died 3-7 days later. They reason they don’t float is because they’re swim bladder is already adjusted to keep them down. See, just because a fish needs oxygen doesn’t mean it’s full of air. It can adjust the bladder to maintain any depth it pleases….. within it’s physical capabilities, of course.
Even a fish dying naturally…. as long as the fish hasn’t been to the surface gulping air and inflating the bladder to stay at the surface, they’re made to sink and become food for the rest of the lake’s ecological dependents. Even the floating fish…… provided they don’t reach shore, will eventually sink and fall into the same cycle of nature.
This physical characteristic makes the studies of delayed mortality very difficult to conduct within natural means. How can anyone monitor acres and acres of water on a 100% coverage basis? Daily?
Didn’t the MN DNR make “pens” for researching released fish a few years back? I forget how that whole thing was done but it was again regarding walleye research. Learning how fragile large walleyes are and then reading/hearing how fragile large muskies are, I have to consider the possibilities.
If these fish weren’t “delicate”, why would we bother with all the other practices of safe release? Wetting hands before handling, cutting hooks, leaving the fish in the water, and nursing their strength back by holding they’re tail and facing the head into any currents, if any exist, to get oxygen to the gills? Why are these practices in place if this fish isn’t …….. well…….. a bit wimpy in the stamina department?
Cruise the serious muskie angler sites and you’ll find a staunch belief in the care and treatment necessary to provide a better fish and fishery for tomorrow’s angling. Why is that? Again, there are those who have committed themselves to the “business” of muskies and muskie angling. They’re finding trends and talking about them. If warm temps are setting off alarms, again…….. why is that and why wouldn’t we want to consider it?
I realize that every ideal will have it’s opposition. But if there is truth, it will be found and supported by those who chose to do so. It may not mean something to everyone, but you know, the truth does not require anyone’s belief. The truth is the truth and it simply needs to be found out. And it will be found out and it will be told……….. by someone, someday. But who will reject it? Who’ll accept it?
I still want to fish those big ‘uns more than anything…… so it’s tough…… but I don’t want to ignore warnings that come from those involved in research either.
Salt is good……..then salt is bad………. then salt is good again. I’m just trying to consider what sits best with me and share my thoughts with others. Hopefully we’ll know more in the coming seasons.