Well made it out to a metro lake Friday after work. Wanted to chase a few pike. So we got there and figured that with the weather we may as well troll from the launch through the deeper part of the lake to where we wanted to go. we figured we would discover if the fish had started moving deep. well the minute we moved outside of 15 feet of water the entire lake was a waste land. which confused us. then when we would get to 10-15′ the fish were all suspended. so we figured that we may as well try casting out into the weeds, and bringing it out to the deeper parts. my buddy is on about his 10th cast of the trip, and he get’s a hit. he get’s it close to the boat, shows us it’s colors.
it was either the best looking pike I had ever seen, or a muskie. guess we’ll never know because he’s been using a new set up and has had troubles hook setting.
after about 3 hours of bites being few and far between, me landing 2 nice pike, and missing my 1st 2 hooks sets of ther year
we decide to give one last area that we hadn’t made it to yet a try before heading in.
so we troll over and nothing. suddenly in 10 feet of water my line get’s tight, and I hear the drag. Hook set, and the fight is on, then just to be safe I apparently felt the need at one point, I don’t remeber doing this but it’s what I’m told , I hook set again. a nice little fight, and I see the silvery boddy dive for the prop. why must all fish dive for the prop. my friend saw that it was a muskie,and rather than getting out of my wate starts looking for the camera. (JERK)
Long story longer we land my 1st muskie at 30″ not large, but big enough to get me wanting more. by the way. Not sure but I think I may have done everything wrong to catch it so that was fun. after a quick photo it went back to let the others know that a muckie slayer was in the area!
caught in 10 feet of water on a 90+ degree day, on a lake with 9′ clarity trolling a #7 jointed shad rap. (my favorite perch shad rap at that)