Metro Muskie reports

  • jeremy-liebig
    Posts: 1455

    Howzabout a nice little place for some metro reports right about here. The good, the mostly bad as of late, and the ugly.
    Stingler and I fished Forest tonight. It looked like a fine evening to go chasing Mrs. Muskie with the nice clouds and cooler weather. As soon as we hit Lino Lakes it was clear blue skies. Go figger, leave the city tonight and the clouds are in town, fish Lake Harriet last night and the fronts are all around with clear skies above us. Water temps on Forest ranged from 77 in the shallows to 73 elsewhere. We didn’t even move a fish. First time I’ve ever fished Forest without at least having a follow. Besides the first week of the season the fishing for me has been slow to say the least. Been out close to ten times in the last few weeks with not much to show for it. Anyone else seeing/catching any metro fish?

    Posts: 70

    i havent had much action since the opener either… got three the first weekend and thats about it. been out quite abit too. mainly on the riv. headin to millelacs in the morning for the cemstone walleye tourny. gonna do some chunkin after dark fri and sat. night!

    “Ever Wonder Why There Are No Democrats On Mount Rushmore ? "
    Posts: 1216

    Hi Jeremy,

    I have been to forest twice for muskies, and feel your pain. I am in no way a great fisherman, but I have fished forest enough to generally see fish even in a variety of conditions when looking for muskies. So far only two meager follows by my partners this year. Not even a northern on my lures, and I actually have a couple hours of clouds last Saturday to help.


    Minneapolis, MN
    Posts: 1123

    I am not a muskie fisherman so bear with me.
    i was out on Independedce on Tuesday bass fishing and had two decent follows from low 40 fish. The fish follows where in the 4-7 feet of water and came in the north west courner of the lake. The fish where inticed in with cranks in firetiger color.

    Bob Bowman
    Posts: 3550

    I have not been out on the water at all this week, the head gasket when out on the truck, so I have been looking at the boat just sit in the garage all week. Thanks for the update on the metro and good luck to all this weekend. I am going to be on the pond most of the weekend with Larson and a few others. Leaving today around noon and hope to have some time on the water tonight if the truck is finished as promised

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 2946

    I havent been on the city lakes for a couple weeks now, bu I was hitting nice ski’s just about every trip for a while.. while fishing walleyes.

    All of the ski’s I have got on the most recent trips have been fishing deeper than I would normaly be targeting them.. probably due to all the heat.

    I dont really like targeting them when the water temps start climbing high… it gets really difficult to release them with surface temps pushing 80, and its nearly 90 degrees outside… especially so when they keep hitting the shad raps when trolling for walleyes(lighter gear).

    Posts: 36

    Been going out atleast 2-3 times a week. I have had no luck yet other than follows. My brother has hooked up with two small 30-35″, both on dunwrights topdancer. I have also been out on Forest and it has not given up much either. I did have a very nice looking ski blowout on a loon topraider close to boat last night.

    Minnetonka, MN.
    Posts: 493

    I am heading out to tonka in the morning I will let you know how we do.

    Minnetonka, MN.
    Posts: 493

    Not good we were skunked on ski’s. We each ended up with 1 bass a piece.
    2lbs and under

    Posts: 1455

    Eagle Lake tonight. Water temps ranged from 72-77 degrees. Fished from 6:30-10:00……One measley follow from a little turd. What the heck is going on lately? Fishing has been slower than slow as of late.

    “Ever Wonder Why There Are No Democrats On Mount Rushmore ? "
    Posts: 1216

    Out on Forest this morning. Temps from 76-77 degrees. I could not get anything going, but my partner did have one on and then lost it at the boat. Mainly throwing bucktails. No clouds and no wind I am sure was not helping me much…

    Posts: 1455

    Calhoun tonight..Serpent had a mid 40’s spit the hook on bass gear..Stingler had two fish hooked and whiffed ..Me= nothing! Was nice to see some fish actually moving though.

    Posts: 1455

    Last week fished Calhoun, a couple fish seen another one hooked and whiffed by my pal Stingler(Is it a record?). Sunday…the skunk finally decided to leave the metro lakes and between two of us 5(almost 6) fish boated in about four hours or so of fishin’. Monday the skunk returned!

    Woodbury, MN
    Posts: 60

    5 fish is an awesome day. Great job! It really does make you forget about those other days of no action. Any size to them?

    Cedar, Min-E-So-Ta
    Posts: 1482

    Where do you guys park?

    Posts: 1455

    Nothing big by any means..25,28,35,37,40. As far as the parking thing goes you just park on the street. Sometimes you get lucky and find somewhere really close, other times you gotta walk 5 or 6 blocks to get back to the landing.

    Cedar, Min-E-So-Ta
    Posts: 1482

    Thanks, that is what I figured. Do you guys light up the big motor to load?

    Posts: 1455

    Nope. Just drop the trailer in far enough, crank the trolling motor to ten, and power load it with the good ol’ Maxxum. Works everytime just like Colt 45 and Billy Dee Williams.

    Cedar, Min-E-So-Ta
    Posts: 1482


    Ferlin Cobb
    minneapolis, mn
    Posts: 134

    Just to clarify… those five fish were not caught on Calhoun, but on a couple small north metro lakes.

    I’m off for a meal of oatmeal and raisins.

    Posts: 1455

    The power of that Quaker guy sure is a good source of energy for casting big lures for hours on end! Oh far as the fish were concerned 3 tigers and 2 regulars…caught in two seperate mudholes north of 44.85 latitude.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2376

    Well atleast someone is getting some action Cause I sure as hell aint.

    Posts: 712

    I was out Sunday and had two blow up at boat side at about 8:45PM. Both were on topwater and very shallow.

    Posts: 1455

    Water temps are back to normal……………………..for now.

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