Vineland Bay

  • hawgstatus
    Moundsview, MN
    Posts: 61

    “The truth is……….. if they’re better than you, you’ll watch them net a fish.”

    I have to disagree with this statement, on any lake other than Mille Lacs I would agree, but you arent going to convince me that anyone who can cast a double bladed cowgirl is “better” than anyone else who can cast and reel a showgirl. Mille Lacs is all luck when it comes to casting in the dark or joining the line dance on the North end. I see all kinds of rookie status up there hooking up practicing CTR and all over Mille Lacs. It isnt cuz they are good, trust me, 4 guys in a 78 Crestliner cranking Skynard drinking beers zinging cowgirls WILL catch fish the same as the “better” guy in a fancy boat. It’s all luck, muskie fishing is mostly luck…..

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3506


    It’s all luck, muskie fishing is mostly luck…..


    I guess my time to catch my first 50 inch fish is just around the corner then. I like to think my luck is as good as the next guys… and I probably drink as much beer as the next guy too.

    Posts: 245

    I agree w/ hawg status 100%. People that spend time on the water know that mille lacs is nothing but luck, put a cowgirl on and reel and say a prayer and it may be answered. No skill. If your not familiar w/ the lake follow a guide, they are not hard to find a guide to follow around and toss a cowgirl and hope a fish is ready to eat and it sees yours, not the guy 80 yds from you. You can tell the people who put the time and effort in vs. the people that dont!!

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    Luck is the result of preperation and determination.

    Without either you will have no luck.

    FYI, there is still plenty of room on Tonka.

    Posts: 245

    I agree it is preparation and determination. I wish that was the case on Mille Lacs. I would fish out there last year for 3 days straight. Sleep in the boat for maybe for an hour here or there, get up and keep casting. It just didnt matter how hard i tried. This year has been the same only i became a little smarter from last year, in not fishing it as much. Good Luck

    Cedar, Min-E-So-Ta
    Posts: 1482


    I would fish out there last year for 3 days straight. Sleep in the boat for maybe for an hour here or there, get up and keep casting.

    First of all, how old are you? Even in my prime, not that I’m not a stunning model of physical fitness now, I was dead dog tired after 14 hours on the water.

    Second, how dumb are you, or better yet, how dumb do you think we are? To spend three days and nights on the water, sleeping in your boat of all things, with nothing to show for it. PLEASE! BTW, where did you take a dump?

    Slow… buddy…. we have all been watching your posts from the beginning. You talk a HUGE game, but have absolutely no proof as to what your are saying, not a single decent photo of a fish, just excuses. Although I believe we all enjoy each other on this site, your dog and pony show grows tiresome. Honestly if you are that good, I will pay you $300 (my guide fee) to take me out on one of your excursions. I am being serious here, do it to save face, because we are all pretty sure you are 100% full of BS.

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    Well now…………..that kinda sums things up doesn’t it?

    Posts: 2014


    … I will pay you $300 (my guide fee) to take me out on one of your excursions. I am being serious here, do it to save face, because we are all pretty sure you are 100% full of BS.

    If I start talking alot of game and stop posting pictures can I get this offer?!

    Moundsview, MN
    Posts: 61

    and there it is……Determination and Preparation.

    Do your homework, talk to other fisherman/guides, scout spots off the beaten path, fish off peak times, eat/sleep/breathe/dream muskies, take time off work, buy the latest color, biggest net, sweetest boat, graph, rod, reel, electronics, and watch some yahoo stick a fish 20′ from your bow. Honestly I agree with all of this helping your ODDS, but there HAS to be a spot left for luckyassdudes who dont know jack about squat. SO I wont disagree with you but I will add on to your comment:

    Luck is preparation and determination and LUCK!!!!!

    Posts: 245

    How about this weekend? I am fishing from 2pm on Friday till Sunday Nite at Midnight. I am sleeping in the boat, however i will bring you to the landing if you need a break. I have plenty of pics to share w/ you. I dont have as many pics, because i usually fish alone, due to the fact most people wont fish like i do except 1 other person who works opposite schedule from me, but when we get together we really get our ROLL on. I have been looking for a fishing partner for awhile, just not any partner, but one who will do whatever it takes to boat a fish, do not complain, do not want to go in for any reason. You dont have to pay me, just split the gas. This would be great. Send me PM w/ your contact # and i will give you a call asap. I have a serious addiction to muskie fishing, one thing i do not do is lie about the fish i catch or dont catch. We can take my boat and my vehicle. I am also fishing Wednesday from 530 to midnight, that is a short outing, but atleast on the water. Let me know!!

    South Metro
    Posts: 6057

    GAME ON!!!!!!
    I can’t wait for the report!
    I’m anticipating some big tuna pics from this outing with Dan and Slow!

    Cedar, Min-E-So-Ta
    Posts: 1482

    I am booked solid with work and other commitments until the last weekend of the month. However I will be on Mille Lacs on Sunday July 29th, and Monday, July 30th. I have a guide trip on Tuesday and Wednesday. I will be up to the Mille Lacs area every Friday night through Monday morning the remainder of the month of August as I have a place SE of Aitkin, and am guessing that it will continue like that until ice-up. Have to make up for some valuable time I am losing this month. My phone# is 612-247-9398. You can e-mail me at [email protected] (I get those on my Treo, and in the office), or [email protected] (I try to check it every day). What kind of rig are we going to run in? What would you like me to bring? I would prefer to just meet you somewhere if it is all the same. If Mille Lacs isn’t your first choice just let me know where to be, and when to be there (again, in August and thereafter). If you have room I am sure Bob would love to come too, but if not I bet he won’t be too bummed out. Look forward to hearing from you so we can set the specifics.

    Again, anytime after the end of this month, you call the place and I am there.

    Posts: 2014

    Dang I bet we could sell tickets to this event.

    Some one get James and the camrea crew. I feel an IDA special episode coming up. It could be like pay perview for the fishing addicts.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2376


    Slow… buddy…. we have all been watching your posts from the beginning. You talk a HUGE game, but have absolutely no proof as to what your are saying, not a single decent photo of a fish, just excuses. Although I believe we all enjoy each other on this site, your dog and pony show grows tiresome. Honestly if you are that good, I will pay you $300 (my guide fee) to take me out on one of your excursions. I am being serious here, do it to save face, because we are all pretty sure you are 100% full of BS.

    Burrrrrrrrrn Thats gotta hurt

    Dan, Some one had to do it and I applaude you for doing it , because I think this site is for people to enjoy, learn, and hopefully meet new friends. Not to constantly b**** and complain about things and cut other people down.

    Posts: 245

    No problem plungepool. I understand your thoughts. I take fishing more serious than other anglers. I look at it like-why go out and spend alot of money and time on something your not going to take serious and put a 100% complete effort forth mentally and physically. So i may have joined the wrong forum. I will leave the forum if that is the consent. Lets take a vote. PLEASE VOTE NOW: “LEAVE” or “STAY”
    PS: I am looking for a serious muskie fishing partner, before i leave the forum, if interested send me a PM
    PS: And i will post some pics within the next week even if voted off the island

    MN Musky
    Ham Lake/Mille Lacs, Mn
    Posts: 120

    This is good stuff! Do I hear an IDA Muskie showdown in the works?

    Slow- A few fish w/ no pics no big deal. Talk of many fish some goliath no pics sounds like your stirring the pot! I fish alone on Mille Lacs 99% of the time. I get pics. Get yourself a digital and small tripod and prove your dominance!

    Did I also read ” Catching muskies is all luck”? Go out with guide (a good guide) and watch them work baits, position boats, etc. You will realize how small a part luck plays in the muskie game. Sure any D@%K with a stick can catch a fish, but to catch fish consistently is another story.

    Posts: 2014


    … Sure any D@%K with a stick can catch a fish, but to catch fish consistently is another story.

    It’s true I did it. does 2 straight days count as consistantly? although now I’m going to start targeting them.

    p.s. who needs a tri pod? I have a few nice pictures from the camrea on a timer, on the tackelbox on the seat.

    Bob Bowman
    Posts: 3550


    No problem plungepool. I understand your thoughts. I take fishing more serious than other anglers. I look at it like-why go out and spend alot of money and time on something your not going to take serious and put a 100% complete effort forth mentally and physically. So i may have joined the wrong forum. I will leave the forum if that is the consent. Lets take a vote. PLEASE VOTE NOW: “LEAVE” or “STAY”
    PS: I am looking for a serious muskie fishing partner, before i leave the forum, if interested send me a PM
    PS: And i will post some pics within the next week even if voted off the island

    Stay and share After all, we are all here for the same reason, to help each other out and learn from others. I don’t claim to know it all when it comes to fishing, and I will be the first to admit that I still have a lot to learn. But I have to be honest, I struggle to find truth in the fact that you just boated 7 fish the other night, and then you follow it up a few days later with boating a fish that EVERY muskie angler dreams of, the unthinkable 54″, and on top of that you also boated a 47. I just find this very hard to believe with out any pics. The other thing I find a little fishy, is that almost everyone I know and have talked with this year is having a tough go of it this year so far, not boating to many fish. Sure lots of lookers, but the eaters are few and far between. I hope you stay around because if you are boating fish like you claim, I sure would love to see some photos of those hogs you get into.

    Posts: 245

    No, it wasnt 7 in one night. It was 7 over the weekend, w/ the biggest being a heavy 47 (2 weekends ago). I fished from 5pm on Friday to midnight on Sunday w/ very little sleep. Again, i will scan some pics and post them. They are basically the fish in the net or some arent even in the net, just a lure in the snout, not real entertaining, pictures are tough by yourself. Any how i will get some pics by the end of next week. Hey, i not claiming to be the best, or even one of the best, just alot of passion and hard work on my end. And yes, i have very negative feelings toward a couple of lakes, based on many, many hours of hard work, that didnt produce many, many times.

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3506

    If your really catching the kind of fish your talking about, I would figure you would be more than happy to show your face. Why wouldn’t you be guiding if your catching those kind of fish, fishing that many hours and looking for someone to fish with? You’d be a very rich man.

    I’d even volenteer to be your marketing director.

    I vote for you to stay too. I find you very entertaining.

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    Wow……. I leave the forum for a week and this thread’s still burnin’!

    I don’t care where ya fish…… people without any muskie angling skills have caught them. I don’t usually hear them toot their own horn though. They seem to recognize that it’s a fluke……. a very HAPPY fluke! So, compared to the people that target them? Not every passionate golfer is going to hit a hole in one. Not every pro will hit a hole in one on every course. But some newby will step up and drive a onezy out of the blue. Does this mean that we discard all buzzer baskets, grand slam game winners, or below par performances to being only luck?

    I don’t think so.

    We all know that being in the right place at the right time is key to any successful flavor. But if casting a cowgirl guarantees success for a boat load of beer swillin’ lackies, why isn’t everyone doing it? Why not take up drinking more beers and completely abandon our knowledge and techniques?

    Because we know the truth.

    Preparation and determination produce far better and more consistently than just a bunch of “hail-mary” attempted casts, each one believed to be a lotto that must go to someone……… so why not me!

    What I still feel is more important than anything else is confidence. If a beer sponge and his buddies are confident that fishing a cowgirl will get them a big fish, well……. apparantly that’s all they need, if I’m comprehending my reading correctly. If this doesn’t inspire confidence with you, it’s probably not worth your effort and your results will likely differ.

    Finding muskies can be hard sometimes. Making them bite can be even harder. But, the right thing at the right time is what we’re trying to master so why be unprepared and approach the day’s game plan as one of pure circumstance?

    Bottomline…. I can’t see what all the fuss is about. If something is challenging you, embrace it. Will it make you worse? I doubt it. We sharpen our skills by lessons learned in both success and defeat. When defeat persists, we must examine our game and improve on whatever the weakness is. Baits to fish, speed to fish them, boat control, time of day, moon phases, frontal changes, temporary weather patterns, etc., etc………….. Remember, every lake CAN be different so what’s golden on one pond may not be the winning answer on another. There are times to throw out the data sheets and focus on something new and/or different.

    Don’t fuss……. just go fish and have fun discussing whatever happens with those who share your interest.

    By the way, went out last Thursday night (dark) and shared the lake with 5 other boaters. I had 2 attempts by “something” but boated nothing. Maybe it doesn’t bode well for bragging rights but it’s more than I experienced watching any of the other guys who came through the area. So, as far as I can tell, I’m no worse. But I had a good time and for me, that’s more important. Life’s too short to get so wound up.

    Posts: 245

    I have put alot of thought into guiding. Maybe i am wrong, but it seems like it would be faily tough to make much money? Seems like you would have to guide about 5 days/ week to make any money especially w/ gas prices. A big thing for me is that it seems like Mille Lacs is the hot place to be a guide or where alot of people are interested in having a guide trip. I cannot catch fish on Mille Lacs for some reason. I have pretty much exhausted all techniques in my arsenal that i cannot get to work out there. Last yr i spent a ton of time out there, never boated a fish. They guy in the back of my boat managed 3, nothing over 47. And i am not that good, just bust my butt when i do go and be creative.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2376

    Slow, I too vote you stay. I feel as many others do that we are all students of the game. There is so much to learn. I think we all need to feed off of each others ideas, so we can all become better fishermen. I think your passion is noteworthy, you are obviously working hard and seeing some success. So keep it up and lets see some hog pics

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2376


    Why not take up drinking more beers and completely abandon our knowledge and techniques?

    Kid I think you’re on to something here

    Posts: 445

    Interesting where this thread has gone…Anyhow…I fished Wahkon and Cove bays on Monday night for 4 hours w/o a follow, only a nice largemouth on a top raider to show for it…but that is ok, one of the reasons that I say that is that it was a beautiful night enjoyed doing one of my favorite things in the world to do, Muskie fish! I also loved the fact that I wasn’t playing bumber boats w/ 2 dozen other boats…Part of the fun of muskie fishing for me is experimenting w/ new techniques enjoying the time on the water w/ family and friends…I would expect that is a common sentiment with many other people on this forum…Good luck with the “SHOWDOWN ON MILLE LACS”

    Posts: 649

    Finally a little controversy outside of the Bass forum…I like it!

    And Slow, please stay and share as I am starrting to hang up the bass gear to become a muskie-nut and I need all the help I can get

    Posts: 245

    Good luck w/ the muskies (get Musky Hunter Mag) to start off with.
    P.S= This is not negative, but the truth (muskie fishing has torn apart lives of close friends and the reason for a few divorces i have witnessed) basically people i know have an addiction to musky fishing and have chosen musky fishing over family (in one case kids, but that was repaired and he had to quit fishing forever). I said a few (that means not many). Be careful, i am getting worse and worse w/ the addiction, where i need to be careful, like a drug. I am worried in the future as i may be headed down the same path as some people i know that had to either quit for good or lose loved ones. Just something to keep in the back of your mind if you see yourself going down that path.

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 1438

    How are those pictures coming, or did your scanner break?

    Posts: 245


    How are those pictures coming, or did your scanner break?

    Thanks for the reminder. I dont know how to scan and post them. I will have someone help me w/ that and get some on.

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