Stillakid, you offer alot of good info, however i question how many fish you really catch and how much time you really spend on the water????
What do you want? A bio? I don’t care if you’re on the water 365 days a year……. you’ll have bad days. There’ll be those times where you have to humble yourself and simply know that a) There’s something left to be learned or b) There’s something to still be learned.
I don’t need to prove anything to anybody because I’m not proclaiming to be anybody’s musky spanker. BUT, I’m mature enough to know that whining publicly about fishing competition is about attitude and perception. It’s not about BEING on Mille Lacs. It’s about knowing how it is, or could be, anywhere you go and what you can do about it. Whining is an option but what do you or anyone else gain by that? Suck it up and take your licks. If you do your homework, continue your persistance, and form positive relationships……. your day in the spotlight will come! It doesn’t matter how many others visit the spot before you. If you’ve got it going on, you’re still gonna be the one that pulls the fish.
So, with all this said, I don’t get a lot of time on the water. I’m raising 5 kids, chasing a career change, and developing a future inside of a new marriage. Doesn’t make me a lesser fisherman…….. or you a lesser person. We’ve just got different priorities at this point of our lives.
With that said, know that I readily admit, I don’t know everything. I can’t and I never will. But, I’m not stupid either. I face the same challenges you do. Some days I score, some days I lose. I’ve got plenty to learn…….. as does everyone, and that’s what I come to this forum for. I would much rather learn something from you than hear complaints that other people share the same passion and pursuit on the same water as you. The truth is……….. if they’re better than you, you’ll watch them net a fish. If the others proceed to catch nothing, who cares? Go see how well you stack up against the competition. According to “the experts”, the magic in catching muskies is in having the best presentation to TRIGGER strikes. That’s what we ALL have to deal with, whether you’re on the water 24/7 or only once a year.
My time/chance to spend 100+ days on the water will come again and when it does, don’t get mad if you see me on your spot. If there’s anything I can do to HELP you catch fish, THAT’S what I’m here for. And if I do help you, maybe you’ll return the favor some day. If every fish is released unharmed, there’s no need for me to feel possessive about it. It will be there again, looking to feed another day, and perhaps give me the battle I’ve been yearning for.
Good luck!