Pool 4-5 Pike

  • riverfan
    Posts: 1530


    I don’t fish northerns intentionally they occupy the same waters I fish for bass. Over the last couple of years I’ve witnessed tremendous increase in the number and size of the pike in pool 4-5 of the Mississippi River. I assume the improvement in vegetation and water clarity has a lot to do with the explosion. Pool 5 had a two-year drawdown and the results are very obvious. Pool 4 has seen an unassisted improvement in vegetation and water clarity since zebra muscles showed up in the system. I don’t want to say it’s a good thing because we don’t know what the long-term results will be, but on the short-term it’s been beneficial.

    What we are experiencing is a lot of fish in the mid 30” category. My personal best is a 37” heavy body fish. One of my clients had a 39” this spring but I have to add it had a serious over-bite so it wasn’t real heavy. On Friday I had 3 over 30” with the best measuring 34”.

    Most of the fish are coming out of heavy veg in super clear water. A surface frog or a swim jig (see the bass forum for details) have caught most of the fish. The bottom line is if you are looking for a place to catch some better than average pike take a look at the river.


    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 264

    Any specific areas that you are targeting? I don’t know of any weedy backwater areas and that’s because I’m a little nervous going off of the main channel thinking the water will be too shallow. Are the areas that you fish deep enough for a 17 foot boat? Thanks for any info!

    Posts: 1530


    Learning the river is an issue so get a push pole go slow. If you get stuck push off and back track. Unfortunatly there is some risk but you just have to put in the time to learn your way around. On pool 4 Robinson, Peterson and Big Lake are good places to look. Also the bottom end of Indian Slough can be good. On pool 5 some of the side bays off of Belvidere Slough hold some good pike.


    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 264

    Thanks for the info!

    Grand Meadow, MN
    Posts: 3213

    I agree there the last couple weeks on Lower pool 4 south of Wabasha I ahve pulled a handful of 30″ or bigger pike to little suprised since one was on a leech and one on a willow cat and they are VERY healthy looking fish

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