Wednesday Trip To Mother’s House

  • LenH
    Posts: 2385

    I typically visit my mother on Wednesdays.

    I go a little early and fish at the dam there.

    Second cast I had a behemoth pike turn at the wall.

    It was so big it made my knees shake.

    I threw right back in there and this one slammed it.

    I was actually disappointed that I caught this one instead of the monster.

    I have a superstition that makes me stop fishing after catching one large pike or trout .

    The rematch may be on Mother’s Day or next Wednesday.

    Fridley, MN
    Posts: 3053

    Nice pike and nice beard!

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    Redefine “large” and keep on fishing! That is a pretty good fish!

    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 172

    A kid might say a 24″ pike is large. An occasional fisherman might say a 30″ pike is large.A trophy pike fisherman might say a 50″+ pike is large…Depends on the person and the waters that are being fished. CONGRATS on a Large Pike!!! You have a “honey hole” wherw you fish,might be another one there waiting for you!

    Posts: 2385

    The big girl rolled on my lures twice today.

    Going after her again tomorrow.

    Gave pike to a kid that was there fishing.

    Phil Bauerly
    Walker, MN - Leech Lake
    Posts: 866

    Thanks for posting! Looks like a nice fishing hole.

    Byron, MN
    Posts: 2273

    Where’d the beard go….Summer’s a coming

    Posts: 2385


    Where’d the beard go….Summer’s a coming

    wife requested beard be gone.

    already growing it back.

    Posts: 2385

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2376

    Great Pic Len

    The Lilacs look great as a back drop

    Posts: 2385

    3rd cast

    Fresh pike for supper.

Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 12 (of 12 total)

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