Knotless Leaders…Cat’s Meow?

  • Ben Brettingen
    Posts: 605

    Has anybody ran a knotless fluorocarbon leader with line such as Power Pro Hollow Ace. I’ve dabbled in it, and has been very successful. Bob Turgeon is the one who really turned me on to it. His style is just a shorter version of the saltwater version. It’s going to be a go to for WTD style baits especially phantoms. Probably going to try to run it in a lot of night fishing scenarios, as you can really feel the bump when transitioning between your line to leader.

    Has anybody else had experience with the knotless leader? I’m curious to hear everybody’s 2 cents.

    eldora, iowa
    Posts: 428


    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2376

    Is this similar to that leader that Greg Thomas put out?

    Ben Brettingen
    Posts: 605

    It’s not quite like Greg’s leaders, no knots. You feed the fluorocarbon into the braid (which is hollow) around 6-12in, . It acts like a chinese finger trap and holds the leader in place. You do some various other things to make sure it’s secure but the premise is the finger trap. I believe it is quite popular with the saltwater community.

    Posts: 4033

    That’s crazy. Going to have to research that and give it a try!

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2376


    That’s crazy. Going to have to research that and give it a try!

    Yeah, me too

    Waconia MN
    Posts: 1651

    The hollow ace flattens out pretty bad which means it digs into the spool and doesn’t stack well on the reel. I saw no real advantage to the knot less leader.

    Posts: 445

    Hearing the “tick” of the connection between the leader and the line go through the guides when night fishing makes sense to me as a reason to use this set up, but other than that I guess I am not convinced that it will equate to catching more fish. Single wire leaders without a swivel and only a snap seem to work pretty darn well for WTD lures for me.

    Ben Brettingen
    Posts: 605

    Packing doesn’t seem to be an issue with 100#, especially with level wind reels, it has laid quite nicely. I have heard it isn’t the best with Trinidad but haven’t tried myself.

    I had a conversation about pressured Muskies. Obviously muskies really don’t care too much about leaders, but is it just another thing we can do to convert some of these pressured fish? I think much longer leaders in general will be a trend in the future, especially on pressured and clear lakes.

    Waconia MN
    Posts: 1651

    Yup I uses it on a 16dc and a 14 Trinidad. I just can’t see how a longer leader makes any difference? I mean a pink cowgirl going mach 10 looks nothing like food but that doesn’t stop them from munching on them. But if it gives you confidence then by means spool it up.

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