FINALLY…I love Fall

  • brice120878
    Twin Cities
    Posts: 51

    Fished close to home this afternoon, didn’t even get on the lake until 4pm. Only one other trailer at the launch. I saw my first muskie today in about 3 months…it didn’t eat, but it came in hot following a Salmo Skinner and it was BEAUTIFUL! Caught a couple nice pike, the Esox seemed pretty active today for a change. To me, a nice follow like that is a successful muskie day!
    The past couple months have been pretty lousy fishing for me, and this renewed my enthusiasm.
    Just thought I’d share

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5553

    Sounds like a fun afternoon. Fall is definitely the best time of year. Thanks for sharing!

    Ely,MN / Rochester,MN
    Posts: 929

    Keep casting and you will get the big1! Don’t be afraid to look shallow on sand and inside weed edges. It seems like fish are showing up shallow more and more this time of year! Good luck.

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