Water temps?

  • buschman
    Pool 2
    Posts: 1826

    Hey Guys, I usually do not start chucking bits till later in the season. How hard is it on these fish with the water temps right now??? I know the mississippi is warm as can be right now and its hard on eyes…. Can olny think its can be tricky with muskies. But if a guy keeps them in the water and takes care of this fish do the revive well??? I might head out but dont want to catch one just to worry about killin it

    Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 165

    You have a valid concern here. These fish are fragile in this warm water. I would suggest fishing at night or low light times. You have to be quick in all stages of catching fish… don’t fight them for an extended period of time get them unhooked quick and back in the water. Release pics or or one quick pic is best. Have a good hook cutters ready too…. Sometimes when netting them at night its easy to get the bait hooked up high on the net, so their head is out of the water when you rest the net on the gunnel and work on the fish… this is a good time to just cut hooks and let the fish get back in the water while you get a camera ready. I could go on and on. I have been very careful and maybe a bit lucky to not have more than one or two fish go belly up on me after releasing hundreds of fish. The ones that have were not due to warm water either…

    If any body has any questions on how to safely handle fish or how to handle certain situations… please contact me. I am happy to pass on what I know. I see plenty of bad release practices happening out on the lakes and I can’t help but think that most of it is lack of knowledge on the angler’s part…. I don’t know it all but I am sure willing to help anybody with questions… I reckon that’s a long enough rant

    Pool 2
    Posts: 1826

    Thanks for the reply Ryan.

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