Pastikas Auction

  • bzzsaw
    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3506

    Thanks to Paulski for the heads up on this auction on Saturday. Anyone that has been to Hayward and/or fishes for muskies has heard of Pastikas. It is the Thorn Bros of northern WI. We got up there at 9 and the auction started at 10. All I can say is WOW. I picked up a nice rod rack, 3 minnow traps, 2 tipup pagers, and about 20 muskie baits. We finally left at 4:00 and they were only 25% thru the muskie baits. The going rate for most of the baits was around 5.00. This was a once in a lifetime sale. By the time we left, we were shot. 95 degrees standing on a blacktop parking lot, no shade, no beer, was enough to drive most away early. They sold most of the odd ball stuff early. Sure wish we could have stayed until the end. There were only about 30 guys left at 4. I can’t imagine the deals that were had. There were still at least 10 racks of baits left.

    I am kicking myself for not staying until the end.

    River Falls,WI
    Posts: 661

    why the sale, did they go out of business?

    Posts: 918

    Dang, Wish I would of known about this.

    I have been thinking that place has been going out of business for a few years now. Its always so empty in there.

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3506

    From what I heard, the Pastikas sold it a couple years ago and the new owners couldn’t make it work. I still can’t believe the amount of stuff that was auctioned off.

    I’m very surprised the auction service didn’t post information on any of the fishing forums. There were a handful of local guides that were cleaning up. They were buying 30 lures at a time for $4 – $5 per lure. There were also your typical hayseeds up there too. Paying $10 for a $9.00 Storm Flatstick.

    Jon Stevens
    Northfield, Wi
    Posts: 1242

    How did I miss this?!!! Sure wish they would have advertised the sale better. I loved that place. Hayward will never be the same.

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3506

    Pastikas was definetly a well known landmark in Hayward. It ranks right up there with the HOF (Giant Muskie), The Phipps Tavern and the Mocassin Bar. Luckily they still have a good bait shop (Hayward Bait and Tackle).

    I was very skeptical when I saw the flyer for it. I thought everything would have been very picked over. That was not the case. There must have been 16 (4 X 8 ft) racks of just muskie lures. Hundreds of bins of bulk tackle (treble hooks, blades, beads, ice jigs). The guys that stuck around to the end were surely rewarded. There were still 10 or 12 racks (approx 200 baits per rack) to sell and only about 30 guys still buying.

    Check out Tri-State Auctions out of Hayward. They have another auction for the end of June for selling the Pastika’s Estate. They don’t have anything listed yet, but you could imagine some of the treasures they will have.

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