Musky Season Opens On WI/MI Border Waters today

  • mbenson
    Minocqua, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3842

    Now I just wish I could get up there… On a plus side, I have friends in town the rest of this week, so look out walleyes!!!


    Posts: 4033

    Better wait a couple days.

    May 26, 2012- March 1, 2013

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3506

    Nope, Mark is right. The MI/WI border waters opened on 5/15. Most of the WI Northern zone opens on the 26th.


    Wisconsin-Michigan boundary waters May 15 to November 30

    Red Wing, MN
    Posts: 122

    Did not know that either but I do have a trip to Bone lake planned for opening weekend!!! So excited I had a hard time sleeping last night trying to think of things I may need to bring!!! LOL

    Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 165

    Yeah for anybody heading up there, Lac Viex Desert is a nice destination. Big lake but it warms quickly as its relatively shallow and traditionallly has nice early weeds. Beware: there’s big tigers in them there waters too.

    Posts: 4033

    Oh my bad, I thought you said WI/MN.

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