Power Pro, or Tuf line XP

  • rdwheeler
    Hudson WI
    Posts: 204

    Sooooo I have been running Power Pro for 2 years now on all of my musky gear, and have not had many complaints, but i have been reading a bit about the new XP by Tuf Line… Anyone use XP? I bought a brand new spool of both today from Gander. Both are 80 lb. test, and very close to the same diameter. I am gonna take and set up 2 identical rods this season and see what happens! I have heard talk about much less backlashing on blades with the XP, but we will soon find out!

    Ely,MN / Rochester,MN
    Posts: 929

    I personally use power pro 100lb for most fishing i do. i have used the tuf line xp before and been impressed with the quality of the line. ALL I CAN SAY IS DON’T USE SUFFIX 832!.

    On a side note i have heard from some top pros that cortland master braid is the way2 go and this is what i will be trying this year.

    Posts: 918

    I haven’t tried very many different lines, as I don’t musky fish that hard, but the Cortland line is what I have spooled on two of our reels right now and I would say the stuff casts awesome.

    White Bear Lake, MN
    Posts: 643

    I have tuff line masterbraid and power pro on my musky rods and love all of them.. I haven’t had any problems with any of them. Depending on the rod I have either 80 or 100 lb spooled on.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926




    What can you tell me about your experiences with 832 on your muskie rods? I’m about to spool up some reels and I was going to give 832 a try. Most everything I use now is spooled with Masterbraid, which has been good to me.

    Sounds like maybe I should leave well enough alone….

    Ely,MN / Rochester,MN
    Posts: 929

    I hate to beat a dead horse and tell you a story that almost everybody has heard. I was using NEW 832 on a nice curado and new st. croix rod and broke off the fish of my dreams….or at least one of the better fish in the metro.

    I don’t mean to denounce all suffix products as that is what i use for mono, but MY experience with 832 has not been a good one. It is possible that it could have been a bad bunch or something but not the rod or reel or misuse.

    This is just my experience with the stuff. I have heard plenty of people having good things to say about it. The one good thing i have to say about it is smaller diameter and smoother….the bad thing is I believe it to be weaker.

    On a side note I did notice the 832 worked better for smaller finesse baits like small gliders that require lighter line and leaders.

    Ely,MN / Rochester,MN
    Posts: 929

    I hate to beat a dead horse and tell you a story that almost everybody has heard. I was using NEW 832 on a nice curado and new st. croix rod and broke off the fish of my dreams….or at least one of the better fish in the metro.

    I don’t mean to denounce all suffix products as that is what i use for mono, but MY experience with 832 has not been a good one. It is possible that it could have been a bad bunch or something but not the rod or reel or misuse.

    This is just my experience with the stuff. I have heard plenty of people having good things to say about it. The one good thing i have to say about it is smaller diameter and smoother….the bad thing is I believe it to be weaker.

    On a side note I did notice the 832 worked better for smaller finesse baits like small gliders that require lighter line and leaders.

    Waconia MN
    Posts: 1651

    I use 100lb xp on my Trinidads. It holds it’s shape much better than power pro which seems to flatten out making it a no go on non level wind reels.
    All my other reels are loaded with 832 Sufix. Ive never had a problem with it. It cast much smother keeps its color longer and has better durability than any other 80lb I’ve used.

    Posts: 788

    SO I JUST GOTTA ASK…. Why are people using 80 or 100 lb test for fishing?? Saltwater fishing I can see with tarpon or goliaths or so but why for muskie?? My uncle uses 25lb powerpro and seems to do just fine..

    Just wondering. I know one answer will be you dont want to lose the fish of a lifetime, but is it the fish of the lifetime if you are using tackle that gives you a superior advantage.


    example ,,,I only use 4 to 6 lb for walleye, I use 10 for trolling but that is for rock and clam bed damage.

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 1438


    SO I JUST GOTTA ASK…. Why are people using 80 or 100 lb test for fishing?? Saltwater fishing I can see with tarpon or goliaths or so but why for muskie?? My uncle uses 25lb powerpro and seems to do just fine..

    Just wondering. I know one answer will be you dont want to lose the fish of a lifetime, but is it the fish of the lifetime if you are using tackle that gives you a superior advantage.


    example ,,,I only use 4 to 6 lb for walleye, I use 10 for trolling but that is for rock and clam bed damage.

    For me it is easier to cast. Plus I would rather not see my Pounders/DCG go flying when I have a backlash. Those are expensive to replace!

    Ely,MN / Rochester,MN
    Posts: 929

    It is better for the fish not to fight it for 20 mins and wear it out. The reason that Tim and I are using 100lb is because we know better than to use anything else. And in my opinion it doesn’t take away from any glory or happiness that i get from catching fish…

    Posts: 445

    Suffix 832 in 80# worked well for me last year. I also spooled up 40# 832 on my heavy bass/pike rod and it worked great as well. The greatest asset I have seen in the 832 is that is really seems to be a smooth casting line, but I don’t doubt anyone elses bad experience with it. Honestly, with how well these superlines are made now most people will probably never have an issue with PowerPro, Tufline XP, Cortland, Suffix or any of the others. IMHO the biggest reason to use 80 or 100# line is to prevent a 10oz+ lure from going sailing off into the sunset on a cast with a backlash and like A.J. said I don’t want to play a big fish for any longer than I have to.

    Set the hook..get it in the net..take a picture…and release it back healthy

    hastings mn
    Posts: 1525

    B Im not a mushy or snot rocket guy but I do use heavy line (65# PP) for Bass. I practice CPR and a fish that spends less time fighting and flopping at the end of your line has a much greater chance when released.

    New Prague, MN
    Posts: 578

    I have power pro on almost everyone of my rods, whether it be bass or muskie.

    White Bear Lake, MN
    Posts: 643


    It is better for the fish not to fight it for 20 mins and wear it out. The reason that Tim and I are using 100lb is because we know better than to use anything else. And in my opinion it doesn’t take away from any glory or happiness that i get from catching fish…

    yep that sounds about right.. I dont wanna tired the fish out so much that it cant swim away.. just easier on the fish and as stated you dont see 20-40$ baits go flying through the air because the line broke.

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3510


    you dont see 20-40$ baits go flying through the air because the line broke.

    I still manage to throw a bait now and then to the muskie gods even using the heavier line. It’s alot more fun watching your buddy do it though.

    Hudson WI
    Posts: 204

    Awesome reponses! I have both spooled up and will keep you updated on what I think (not that it matters) . But also to add about the why so heavy of line… I tried casting a pounder with 30# braid and the diameter was so small that the weight and the retrieveal of the lure was cutting down into the spooled line and backlashed like crazy… And sent one into the sunset. That was my first pounder I had ever purchased

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Thanks for all the input on line guys. Very good info all the way around…

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2376

    I strickly used power pro for years, and wondered why my casting distance was suffering.

    Then I switched to Master braid, and after a through cleaning on the reel it casts like a dream.

    I’ve never had any problems with it, but I just like the way master braid casts, and it doesn’t get your reel all full of crap.

    Posts: 4033


    I strickly used power pro for years, and wondered why my casting distance was suffering.

    Then I switched to Master braid, and after a through cleaning on the reel it casts like a dream.

    I’ve never had any problems with it, but I just like the way master braid casts, and it doesn’t get your reel all full of crap.

    Maybe that is why your power pro didnt cast very far? Power pro casts farther and smoother than any other braid I have tried. But I have only used it up to 65#.

    I tried Tuf line and it lost all its coating and color in a couple trips, then it was like casting rope.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2376

    I use to use 65lb Pro and it broke on me, so I upgraded to the 80.

    I got tired of all the residue being caked on my reel, so I switched.

    Thats the only complaint I have with the stuff is all the residue.

    But I still use the 100lb Pro for my trolling rods, I just don’t like it for casting.

    Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 165

    I feel like a bit of an echo… but here it goes, I use Cortland Masterbraid and Spectron (which may not be available any longer) exlusively. In my experiences, it doesn’t bleed as much and it holds it’s round shape better which makes it cast better.

    I do not use 65lb unless I am trying to troll a bait way down and have my drag set very loose. For me, the heavier line isn’t so much about fighting the fish but the initial hookset. You could darn near pull your boat trailer around with most 65# braids but if you put slack in the line and get a running start with the truck, 65# will break at a lot slower speed than #100… This is why a lot of guys are using #130 for sucker fishing.. you know, where you are practically crow hopping before your hook set!

    Posts: 1899


    Maybe that is why your power pro didnt cast very far? Power pro casts farther and smoother than any other braid I have tried. But I have only used it up to 65#.

    I have to disagree with this. I used PP for a year and absolutely hated that junk. The stupid coating they put on the line makes it so sticky that you instantly reduce your casting distance by 24.3%*.

    I’ve used Sufix for the last few years and I tried the 832 when it first came out last year and I’ve got nothing but good things to say about it.

    *This number comes from a scientific study I just made up for the purposes of my argument.

    Posts: 6

    I HATE Sufix 832.. worst line i ever used. I am a power pro, cortland masterbraid user and it doesn’t let me down. 832 was terrible. It bled all over my boat and i have never had a line dig in like this stuff. I had to cut it from one of my reels with a utility knife it dug in so bad. Never again. tried it on 3 rigs, at 3 different times and this stuff is all hype. Also noticed it has a low tolerance for abrasion. After fishing hard one morning over rocks etc… i noticed the line was fraying in certain areas. I was out with a local guide who also tried it and said he had some break offs. His comments are very similar to mine.

    Posts: 17

    Ive used them all pretty much, I was not a fan of PP, it just doesnt seem to lay on the reel right or cast like others. Ive used Tuff-line plus and xp on many set ups and had no problem ever except it throws lots of water; great in 80deg but not in 25 deg situations.

    Ive been using Masterbraid bronzeback for about 4-5 years and would have to say its the best Ive used for casting and trolling. Casting I use only 80# and trolling 130#, Casting you need the 80 for backlashes and trolling if your pulling large cranks it wont dig in as bad.

    I have the suffix on a older Calcutta 400 that I let friends use and have not had an issue yet, but it hasnt seen much water either. I’m really not a fan generally because its made in Taiwan or some 3rd world country.

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