Cost me $3.00

  • thegun
    Posts: 1009

    5:30am I get the boy up and we get ready for a day of pike fishing with a good friend of mine and his kids! On the road about 6 and on the way (Carter ) my 5 year old want to make a bet on fishing So we decide a buck for the first fish buck for the most and a buck for the biggest!

    We arrive at location just before light and meet up with another good friend and load gear in the sleds hook up the wheelers and go!

    We had a little bit of a slow start with only one small fish on the ice before 9am> But at this point who cares, the kids are having a blast, the weather is good, and it gives us a chance to shoot the **** a bit!
    Then FLAG UP!! Its Carters tip up! (well it was supposed to be mine but as soon as the flag went up he changed witch ones he wanted!) Few minutes later with some help from Josh a nice 12 Pound pike comes up! Carter was pumped and we all heard how good of a fisherman he is after that!
    The morning was now off to a start! we continued to put fish on the ice threw late morning with some small ones and some more nice fish! All the kids got to catch some fish before we had a mid day lull which gave us time to break out the grill and cook some dogs eat some chips and talk smart!

    The after noon was a bit slower but still got some flag with more missed fish but managed to land a few more!

    Ended the day with 21 pike landed 5 being over 10 pounds((all but one being released)(going on the wall) we kept 5 between 24″-28″ the rest went back! Carter ended the day with the biggest fish the most fish and the first fish!

    It was well worth the 3 bucks just watching him and the other kids having a good time with dad doing something we love! Catching fish!

    Polk County, WI
    Posts: 79

    I’ll pay you back the three dollars if you show me that honey-hole… Looks like you guys had an amazing time with some amazing fish!! Congrats

    Posts: 1293

    Nice gators!But that ice sure looks slick.

    W. Lakeland
    Posts: 160

    Best $3 spent EVER!!

    Nice scenery, too!

    Hastings MN
    Posts: 413

    Those faces tell the story, nice job, glad you all had fun

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13919

    That’s a $3 investment with unlimited returns!!! Reminds me of the old Stoddard days when I was a kid. Thanks for sharing

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 237

    Nice job! Those kids will remember it forever!

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 1372

    wow….nice fish. that’s beautiful ice….couldve ice skated out there.

    Posts: 348

    You are a AWSOME dad.Youre kids will always remember theese days. You are teaching them what life is about, not gang banging, getting high, getting into trouble,. GROWING up right. My hats off to you my friend. NOW, when are you taking ME fishing.

    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 3666

    Sweet, I love those pictures with the kids

    the pyromaniac
    Posts: 44

    3 bucks? I’ll make that deal all day long, any day!

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