late season monster muskie action

  • a.j.-wiesner
    Ely,MN / Rochester,MN
    Posts: 929

    hit a few northern mn lakes the past 2 weeks b4 freeze up and boy did it pay off. with the cold weather it seemed we only got a short window every day around sundown for about 30mins but every time it was a big fish giving our baits a look. last week we did a 4 day trip and got a shot at a nice fish each day. lost 2 with 1 being over 55+ that we got right up to the boat on a pounder but the hooks were dull and u really need2 SET those pounders! the 2 fish we ended up with last week were some of the nicer fish of the year…1 was measured at 50.5×28 and my fish was a 46. both were caught on hybrid crank baits. i’ll be out in the metro the rest of the year breaking ice but my “lake x” is all froze up and put away 4 the year! wish me luck in the metro and good fishing to all!

    Ely,MN / Rochester,MN
    Posts: 929

    here are a few more smaller fish we got shortly b4 the big trip…btw the 25inch walleye was caught on a 5of diamonds musky spoon! haha

    dan stien
    Waunakee, Wisconsin
    Posts: 400

    That’s some really nice looking ski’s. Great job!

    Ely,MN / Rochester,MN
    Posts: 929

    also on a side note….that monster 50.5 we took a measure with a piece of rope and immediatly put the rope2 a ruler….not totally accurate but shows that this fish was 27+girth. and after we took the measure and started taking pics the fish pooped all over the boat,my buddy nik,my tackle box, and ME. haha all worth it for such a big fish. that fish was up in the middle of the cisco orgy having it’s way with any meal it wanted2 for a long time it looks like. then she released dinner all over. haha

    Ely,MN / Rochester,MN
    Posts: 929

    thanks finhunter! i hope2 get some more big fish pics to post up soon b4 lock up! hope others are doing ok this year2…..kinda short on pics this year on the musky side here

    Posts: 3681

    Very nice fish.More warmth next week so still time for some more pics.Best of luck!!

    New Prague, MN
    Posts: 578

    seein these pics really makes me wish i got out for muskies this fall! Great fish!

    White Bear Lake, MN
    Posts: 643

    Nice fish!!

    Ramsey,MN pool 2, St.croix river
    Posts: 691

    Nice fish! I picked up 2 similar size ones out on forest l. Last weekend (46, 50) went out today to and froze my [censored] off, had to bust through 200 yards of inch an a half ice and seen absolutely nothin. Then the drive home wasn’t to fun either with the boat trailer in this white crap

    Jack Naylor
    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 5668

    Very nice looking Ski’s.

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