Timelines for stocking a new Musky lake?

  • JoeMX1825
    Posts: 19720

    The Sauk River Chain of Lakes in Richmond, MN near St. Cloud was stocked with juvenile muskie this spring and will be stocked again this fall. What can I expect in terms of growth rates over the next few years? This lake chain has an overabundance of Carp/Catfish to eat as well as tons of space for the fish to spread out.

    Minocqua, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3842

    5″ to 7″ per year until 40″ long…


    Rochester MN
    Posts: 569

    We stayed at a resort on that chain and all I could keep thinking is I wish there were musky here. Seems like a great place for them to be! I will be excited to fish that again in a few years!

    Waconia MN
    Posts: 1651


    5″ to 7″ per year until 40″ long…


    Mark remember the mndnr stocked leech lake fish into the chain. On similar systems with similar forage bases those fish grew to 50″ in as little as 10yrs. Now couple the best muskie strain with abundant forage and a 48″ min length limit and you’ve got MN newest trophy Muskie destination. in 8-10yrs.
    I sure am glad I’ve got family in that area

    Posts: 19720

    indeed, I’ve already been scouring the Muskie lure sales in anticipation…

    Waconia MN
    Posts: 1651


    indeed, I’ve already been scouring the Muskie lure sales in anticipation…

    DO NOT start Muskie fishing! Sure it starts out fun but its like crack your always searching for that next hit.

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