big bait box question??

  • a.j.-wiesner
    Ely,MN / Rochester,MN
    Posts: 929

    i have bought a lakewood extreme box for my bulldogs/cranks/bucktails that are huge but i found out the lakewood boxes may melt some bulldogs….well after farther testing done by myself i concluded it melts almost all types/brands of rubber baits. i am thinking about returning it but don’t know what my other options are as almost no other box will fit pounder bulldogs and 14inch jakes or double 13bucktails.

    my question is what specific model boxes are you guys using to put your big baits in and about how much do they cost??and please be specific if it’s a justencase box as i’m not fermiliar with the models. i don’t think spending $130 on a lakewood is worth it if i can’t put any of my rubber baits in it and trust them not to melt.

    my other question is do any of u guys put rubbers in big clear plano cases?? or do they make any big enough for these baits?? some baits say not to put them in these cases specifically as the sun may melt them i think is the reason but can u put them in a bag and keep them safe?? need to get this figured out asap as i have some big trips coming up soon and need a home for my baits!

    thanks a bunch any1 with advice!!

    Gary Sanders
    Lake Wisconsin
    Posts: 434

    If you mainly fish muskies it’s no big deal but if you fish the multiple species it can be tough changing out gear all the time. After awhile you just have too many baits to bring it all with you, very heavy, takes up too much room in the boat etc… I still use the big boxes to store baits at home but switched to the bigger “bulk storage” Plano tackle trays to bring musky baits along in the boat. The Plano 7080 is (I think anyway) the ones that I use.

    Milford IA
    Posts: 2178

    I have the older Lakewoods but thinking hard about a Justencase for next year to save space and still carry all my baits but in 1 box instead of 3. I only muskie fish so portability is not an issue. The one I priced at the Expo was roughly 34″x24″x14″ and was quoted around $250.

    Milford IA
    Posts: 2178

    I see Muskie Bumper is now getting into the bait box biz to, may be another route to invetigate….

    St Michael, MN
    Posts: 1095

    Some friends of mine just bought some 2″ or 3″ thin plastic conduit and cut into 15″ lengths (or whatever length you need) and glued them into a rectangle shape. Then they taped a piece of rope from one end to the other for a handle. Works great!

    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 2895

    Is your Lakewood clear???

    I have several friends who have the fabric (?) covered ones and have no problems with melting lures.


    blaine mn
    Posts: 1116

    Its the new ones that came out last season, they now have plastic inserts instead of the orginal composite wood ones.

    Mpls, MN
    Posts: 2895

    Thanks, my lakewood is several years old and is completely covered so no sun gets in, but it only holds 20 or so baits, new ones are different then..thanks.


    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 1383

    I just fished the Winnipeg River this past weekend with my dad and a friend that is a musky fanatic. He buys the plastic milk crates that hold 4 – 1 gallon jugs. I think they are 15″x15″ square. Then he buys 3″ plastic down spout material and cuts it to fit inside the crate just below the handles so you don’t get hooks in your hand when carrying.
    The plastic down spout material is a tight fit and gets a little squirrely so he used a packing stapler to staple them together.
    It looks great, works great, and he probably has less than 15 bucks in the whole thing. I think each one holds up to 25 lures/bucktails. He also used the same downspout material to make a 16 bait holder with no milk crate around it. His butt seat pedestal fits nicely in one of the spaces so his favorites are easily accessible and not cluttering the deck while he is fishing.
    He stayed up to fish LOTW for a week, but when he gets back I will post some images.

    Oh and I’ll be posting some pics of some nice skis and pike we caught on our trip too!

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