Eskimo wide 1 inferno

  • Joshua LaVelle
    Posts: 67

    Those of you that have this shack how do u like it? How are the poles do they hold up? Any issues with the expandable front? I’m back and forth with the inferno and the hideout. TIA

    jeff becker
    Posts: 43

    I’ve had the inferno for a few years and the poles slide really easy with no problems so far. With it opened up to its widest I can have 2 holes to fish out of plus my locator and mr heater there is plenty of room. It gets pretty toasty in there even with the heater on low. I usually take my jacket off. If it is sunny out you don’t need any heat at all

    Posts: 426

    I did take the expandable front poles apart and ran 400 grit emery cloth over the inside one just to get the burrs off.Then I put some synthetic grease on it.It’s smooth as silk now.

    Posts: 542

    Infernos are fantastic shacks. Perfect for running and gunning. There are a bunch of people that have decked theirs out. Hideout looks nice too

    Andy Fischer
    Posts: 65

    I’ve had a Hideout for 3 years now- love it. I was also debating between the Wide 1 and the Hideout. I have a bigger Otter, so I went that route for the 1-man as well. I like how tall and tough the sleds are. With a Hideout, I fish 2 holes, with a buddy heater and flasher in front and there’s plenty of room. I don’t think you’ll regret either shack.

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