eskimo stingray s33 runs rough on choke wont run on on position.

  • kaos607
    Posts: 8

    looking for help please. stingray is 4 years old. Had a hard time getting it to actually run. finally got it to run on choke but it runs rough. when I put it on the run position it dies out. all gas was drained and new gas was put in with the proper 50:1 mixed ratio. thanks in advance

    Posts: 120

    Clean the carburator.
    Maybe even put a kit in it.

    Posts: 33

    I had a similar issue with my auger this year, dies on run and barely idles on choke. I got it to work by running it on half choke and that made it run like it’s supposed to. Hope it helps

    Posts: 56

    If it runs on choke and when choke is off, then it’s not getting enough gas. Probably has something plugged? Try cleaning thoroughly first. If that doesn’t work try a new carb kit and still doesn’t work, then it probably needs a new carb? Doesn’t hurt to try a new plug too.

    Posts: 56

    Sorry. If it runs when choke is on and dies when turned off, it’s not getting enough gas

    Posts: 111

    I think it’s along the lines of what Woody said. There are two ways that augers get gas, through the primer bulb which pushes gas straight into the carb mouth, and through the main jet(a tiny pinhole in the carburetor throat) which relies on air intake to lower the pressure in the carb throat enough to pull gas into the engine. This pinhole can get plugged super easily on these small engines and can be difficult to get into and clear since the passageways are so small.

    I would guess that either the carb is plugged somewhere, OR it could be getting too much gas through the primer (happened to my Mako), and when you put the choke on, you’re actually preventing some of that excess gas from getting into the engine and keeping the air to gas ratio at a combustible mixture.

    I would recommend changing out the whole carb. The carb seal&gasket kit is almost as much as a totally brand new carb and unless you really enjoy messing around with carb cleaner it’s worth it to spend $10 extra bucks for a brand new one. I typically recommend buying from the manufacturer because then you’ll have their customer service if something goes wrong but if you are a risk taker you could save a few bucks .

    Posts: 8

    thanks for the advice. I tore carb apart. starts right up and idles with choke open. any change in choke it dies out. sometimes it will throttle up in open choke. sometimes not. any suggestions on how to clean jet. and location on jet please? and thanks again

    Posts: 8

    could also use a picture of the side of the auger for a spring placement. I believe off the throttle cable near carburetor. thanks

    Dave maze
    Posts: 1070

    It all depends on what carb you have. Many small carbs use the primer bulb to get the air out of the fuel pump. No fuel actually goes into the carb body like you would think. If you have 2 hoses going from the carb to the gas tank, than that is the type of carb you have. –Back on topic– Take the carb apart and take a picture of it. We should be able to point out the main jet and idle jet for you.

    Musky Ed
    Posts: 705

    It’s either going to be that the carb needs to be cleaned or replaced, or your fuel line needs to be replaced due to air leaking in. The clear plastic fuel lines are very prone to this if using ethanol gas.

    Posts: 8

    hoses were replaced. thank you

    Posts: 8

    I do get air bubbles I the gas line. could that be my problem. gas hose was replaced.

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