Eskimo E40 Poly- Reviews

  • Andy Fischer
    Posts: 65

    I am 99% sure I want to buy the E40- Poly in 8″. Currently have a Strikemaster 40V I’ve used the last 5-6 seasons. I don’t know anyone that has an E40, so I appreciate any positive/negative reviews. The main things that concern me is battery life (I cut a lot holes) and will definitely buy a 2nd battery. I was also hoping the blades are more durable. My SM’s blades have to be resharpened or changed out every season. Also never owned a poly auger, so wondering if there are any durability issues. Thanks.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    I love mine. Its the coolest auger I have ever owned but I dont have enough time on it to answer your main questions. I bought it last year and used it quite a bit but not on super thick ice yet. Mine came with two batteries but I have never used them both on the same day. But again I have not been combat fishing on thick ice yet although I drill a lot of holes when I go. Its still as sharp this year.
    Its very very light and fast. I cant imagine how mankind will improve this design, but it will.

    Dave maze
    Posts: 1072

    I have the 10″ poly. I haven’t had any durability issues with the cold. I don’t drill tons of holes so I can’t say how long the battery lasts.

    Posts: 232

    I just ordered the E40 with the steel bit. I was interested in the poly, but the price difference with the steel on sale was too appealing. Couldn’t pass it up for $370 at Scheels. I’ve been running a lazer mag for years now. I’m looking forward to no two stroke and being able to reopen holes.

    Wright County
    Posts: 3124

    I have a steel bit as well. My only input is if you do drill a ton of holes it may be worth waiting for a deal on an ion alpha plus. You will get more holes per battery with those.

    Posts: 1271

    I have the Ion with the poly flite, biggest pulse, no ice build up.

    Randall Schultz
    Posts: 65

    Poly’s were going for $350 at the ST Paul show…….
    Almost grabbed a second one.
    Awesome drilling machine for sure!

    Posts: 2123

    Reeds had the E40 8″ poly for $450, with a spare battery.

    I love love mine!

    I just got back from Webster and that thing was a trooper. I left one of the batterys in my truck all weekend and when I finished fishing on Monday, I decided to try that battery that was sitting the cold all weekend and it had no problem with drilling. I also opened up a few existing holes that were made with a 7.9 K-Drill and I had no problems. Also with the poly blades they don’t ice up.

    It is so nice to have a 13lb auger. I also purchased the quick dissconnect but it does wobble some but I don’t know how you would get around that, but that isn’t a big deal. I think I calcuated that in 24″ of ice you should get around 50 holes per a battery, that is plenty of holes for a day for me.

    I need to use it more but so far I love mine

    Andy Fischer
    Posts: 65

    I went with the Ion Alpha Plus- 8″ poly. Scheels has them for $549 and that includes a second battery. By using my Scheel’s Visa it added a year to the warranty too. A lot to spend, but I should be able to get a decent amount when I sell my SM 40 as well. Excited to try it out!

    Southern MN
    Posts: 258

    I went with the Ion Alpha Plus- 8″ poly. Scheels has them for $549 and that includes a second battery. By using my Scheel’s Visa it added a year to the warranty too. A lot to spend, but I should be able to get a decent amount when I sell my SM 40 as well. Excited to try it out!

    You’ll love the alpha plus!!!!

    Posts: 589

    I went with the Ion Alpha Plus- 8″ poly. Scheels has them for $549 and that includes a second battery. By using my Scheel’s Visa it added a year to the warranty too. A lot to spend, but I should be able to get a decent amount when I sell my SM 40 as well. Excited to try it out!

    I wouldn’t be so quick to get rid of ol faithful. Those strikemasters don’t give up no matter what

    Posts: 563

    SM 40 is the ram of augers

    Posts: 12741

    SM 40 is the ram of augers

    Never heard of SM rusting to pieces. Is this truly an issue? jester

    Posts: 589

    SM 40 is the ram of augers

    Probably equal in terms of foot pounds of torque but not nearly as obnoxiously loud and doesn’t have all the look at me attention begging stickers. Maybe RAM owners didn’t have any friends growing up so they are desperate for any attention they can get now. There’s help for issues like that. You don’t need some useless truck.

    Ryan Schwartz
    Western WI
    Posts: 245

    PmB wrote:
    SM 40 is the ram of augers

    Probably equal in terms of foot pounds of torque but not nearly as obnoxiously loud and doesn’t have all the look at me attention begging stickers.

    The “look at me” crowd is why gas augers still exist. lol

    Andy Fischer
    Posts: 65

    Used the new Ion Alpha last week and it was ridiculous. Light and fast. I liked my SM 40V, but this is a different level. TBD on longevity of the poly flights and the batteries, but it definitely passed with flying colors so far.

    Central WI
    Posts: 321

    Have a year on an Eskimo E40 Composite. Last Friday one of my blades came loose and one screw fell out under power. The blade rotated and got a healthy gouge in the edge. Contacted Ardisam Friday afternoon about having the blades re-ground. They emailed me back this morning. They do not offer the exchange of blades and knew of nobody that offered grinding of Turbo blades. BUT, they are sending me a free set of blades.

    GO ESKIMO…!!

    Dan Buchmann
    Posts: 61

    We have 3 of them for our High School fishing team. Really like them, got about 40 holes through 20″ of ice last on each battery. No complaints with them.

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