Less than a month now til I’m back chasing the pigs. My goal is 15lbs this year! Heres a hog from last year just to get blood flow going!
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » The Great Lakes » Lake Erie » Start The Countdown To Trophy Time!
Start The Countdown To Trophy Time!
September 7, 2006 at 12:56 am #475893
lou – where are you getting these fish? of course I know about the Mille Lacs fall run, but there are no 15 pounders in there.
September 7, 2006 at 1:52 am #475937Those have to be from Green Bay or Erie. Those are huge. Nice fish
September 7, 2006 at 7:39 am #476044Those are fall Erie fish, out of Huron, OH. You need to be one tough SOB to fish for them, but the reward is well worth it. No trolling for these either, all caught casting cranks, weapons and my new favorite jig and paddletail!
September 7, 2006 at 1:11 pm #476082Lou,
I can atest to the fishing on Erie in the fall! Got my biggest out there, it was 32in and 13.2#. I fish out of Vermillion and fish out around the sand bar. I am leavin shortly as well, cant wait for those Erie eyes.Best of luck Lou those are awsome fish
September 7, 2006 at 2:01 pm #476112Fish Ohio is 30 inch length to qualify. Last year in 4 days I qualified 24 times. Still need my 15 though.
September 7, 2006 at 7:50 pm #476250Lou,
What dates do you go out?? We usually go first week in oct. Never been there later, how ’bout you?? do you guys go out of Vermillion or Huron? Thanks, now you got me all pumped up!!
September 8, 2006 at 12:06 am #476334We go for a week or two starting Columbus day every year. We have gone as late as November before as well as long as weather holds. Wind, rain and snow, sleet and cold is out friend…lol. We go out of Huron out to sandbar very near Canadian line. We have ventured into Canada in the past and stayed on Pelee Island. We have caught some huge smallies in that water. Rules have changed a lot as far as licensing and customs so we stay into US waters now.
September 11, 2006 at 6:13 pm #477429To start off nice fish !!!! Have you fished the Maumee River in the spring or fall ? Just wondering ,I need a back up for when the lake gets rough .Thanks and good luck this fall . Tom
September 12, 2006 at 8:54 pm #477909When the water gets really rough, depending on which way wind is blowing. We can fish ruggles beach area or if its blowing in we fish the Sandusky Bays.
September 18, 2006 at 10:04 am #479867Quote:
Fish Ohio is 30 inch length to qualify. Last year in 4 days I qualified 24 times. Still need my 15 though.
What is your heaviest eye out there to date? Sounds like some incredible fishing.
September 19, 2006 at 3:56 pm #480338Casting paddletails, eh? Any hints on colors?
It looks like you’re fishing during the day. No need to fish after dark? I would imagine given the potential for very rough weather fishing during the day is a big advantage.
Please keep us updated once you return. I love the night trolling thing up to mille lacs but the tought of pounding mega-eyes on plastics during the day trumps trolling any time!
September 20, 2006 at 6:58 am #480586The best color of both paddletail and ringies has been the catalpa/orange. Its the closest thing to the goby color which is a main diet of the smallies and eyes. 90% of our fishing is done from sunup to sundown, especially with the potential of disaster on the lake at night. We do troll some shorelines at night though if weather is right, otherwise our night fishing consists of a gob of crawlers for river cats near the ship loading zone of the feedmill.
September 21, 2006 at 5:05 pm #481245My biggest to date on Erie is that 13.2#, But over the last four years my Father and I have caught 81 walleyes over 30 in, and 17 of those were over 31. We go out in April and than again in the fall, were actually leavin in a couple weeks depending on weather of course. I, like Lou fish it from sun-up to sun-down but some people I Know do fish it at night. I’ve heard and seen pictures from these guys from as late as december full moon runs that would make your jaw hit the floor. When those shad show up near shorelines, harbours, jetties and rivermouths it can get exciting. Lake Erie is just one of those Lakes that just Keeps you in amazment year after year with its production of walleyes and year classes. Right now there is a year class from 18 to 20in that The ODNR says is the best “EVER” for the lake, So the future looks excellent as well. Bets of luck to all this fall
Practice “selective harvast” our future fishing depens on it!!!
September 22, 2006 at 5:12 am #481524We have fished as late as November too, but this is one of those lakes that can go from friend to foe in less time than it takes to get back to shore. I have never tried the April bite – yet! Have fished it in the summer and didnt really like the black fly bit that much. Ive also fished when the mayflies were so thick that it looked as though it was snowing. In the morning a bobcat and dumptruck were scooping them off the roads. I have had the chances to fish nearly anywhere I want and have been to some spectacular waters, but bar none – Erie is the best eye and smallmouth I have ever seen. My adrenalin flows just thinking about it.
September 22, 2006 at 1:01 pm #481559Well said my friend
! Looks Like were gonna be out the first week of Oct. That April bite is amazing, but there again the weather can really fowl it up. You have to watch the weather and when you see a nice few days, be able to jump in and go.Best of luck Make shure you post a report when ya get home. I’ll do the same.
cdemeyesSeptember 22, 2006 at 10:11 pm #481838Where are you fishing out of and how long will you be there? I have a few fishing stops to make starting next Sunday before I get there on the 7th.
September 23, 2006 at 1:28 am #481871Lou,
We are going out of Vermillion, but we stay in Catawba at the Fishermans Inn! The way it’s lookin we will be out there from Oct 4th-8th, if the weather report stays the same that is I let you know for shure next week. What channel do you guys chat on?? Where do you guys stay?? We should have a cold one when you guys get into town. Let me know!! I cant wait to get out there budcdemeyes
September 26, 2006 at 9:41 am #482677We stay in a cottage at Wild Waves in Huron. Usually on channel 16 but jump around a little bit depending on air traffic. Keep me posted on how you do. Pretty fired up to get out there hammering big dogs.
September 26, 2006 at 12:52 pm #482710Lou,
I’ll try to hollar at ya out there! If I cant get at ya I talk to ya when we get back. Best of luck out there Lou.
October 1, 2006 at 4:50 am #484408Looks like perfect waters to fish right now – 4 to 6 footers and 10 to 20 knot winds…whew, hold on to your hat – and lunch!
October 15, 2006 at 2:06 am #488781Just got home from Erie. It was a strange week of fishing starting out with very nice weather and ending with snow. The eyes were very active and the sizes increased every day it seemed. With the higher winds and wave action it was nearly impossible to fish with jigs or lighter baits. Ended up using weapons on 3/4 to 1.5 oz sliding sinkers to get to right depths. Also ran crankbaits under 5 oz bottom bouncers in 39 to 45 foot water. Lots of decent size fish from 3 to 10 pounds and finally got my wallhanger of 34 inches and 14.1 pounds – took pics, measurements and admired in live well for a while before I couldnt take it any longer and let it go to be caught again. We took one days limit for freezer and released all others. In this area, released fish are an oddity as most keep limits every day.
October 22, 2006 at 4:05 am #491368That sounds lke a true trophy. Way to go. Is that the fish in the photo?
October 23, 2006 at 8:37 pm #491754Congrats Lou on a great trip and report.
Anymore pics?????
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