• TBeirl514
    Covington Indiana
    Posts: 269

    I would like to do an Erie trip sometime soon.What I need to know is there a Coast Guard list of must haves ie (flare gun,flare,marine radio).Thanks Tom

    Jack Naylor
    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 5668

    Am sure there is a list of “musts” when on the big lake. and a Marine radio would be a “should have”, if for nothing else, safety first. when on that big of water, you have to always think safety first and foremost. Call the Coast Guard that are on one of the Great Lakes for your List.
    We expect to see some big pics on your return…

    Covington Indiana
    Posts: 269

    Heard stories of must have this ,must have that .No flare guns in Canada or you could lose you boat and do some time.I would just like to see something in print.Tom

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