G3 boats… 185F

  • tom_gursky
    Michigan's Upper Peninsula(Iron Mountain)
    Posts: 4749

    A dealer in town is picking up the G3 line of boats…I know IDO guys were running them before they switched to Skeeter. He is offering a really nice pkg on a 185 with a 150 4 stroke Yammy… I am reluctant to leave my Crestliner but am interested in checking it out…
    I have no experience with these boats…anyone run one? any opinions either way?
    Thanks Guys!

    Posts: 60

    Had an 06 liked the layout/livewells, storage, lotsa room for trolling and the bow for pitching as well, etc… had it with 150 and a t-8 would get 39 with 2 guys and tournament load and stock prop, have had lund mr pike and a cliner sportfish 1850 prior to G3 would take one of those over the G3 if I ever went back to aluminum, the BEAR trailer was absolutley the worst trailer for wiring and loading I have ever owned, the price point may make it worth your while so take it for a drive but I think your cliner is probably just fine.

    Menomonee Falls, WI
    Posts: 1020

    I have looked at G3 for a bit and talked to a couple of dealers. Overall a decent boat but I talked to an alumacraft dealer on comparing the G3. He honestly said that overall a decent boat but they had some hull issues over the past few years and have redesigned some things. That was the only bad thing mentioned as he did mention that the guy he knows that run them like them well and have no complaints.

    Take it for what it is worth.


    Janesville, WI
    Posts: 402

    I know a G3 dealer and he said “off the record” that their larger boats tended to be bow heavy and they have since dropped the 20’er. James should know about that boat.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    A dealer in town is picking up the G3 line of boats…I know IDO guys were running them before they switched to Skeeter. He is offering a really nice pkg on a 185 with a 150 4 stroke Yammy… I am reluctant to leave my Crestliner but am interested in checking it out…
    I have no experience with these boats…anyone run one? any opinions either way?
    Thanks Guys!

    Eric Rehburg ran the 185 on the river fishing the way you fish, Tom. He’d be an excellent resource for info.

    Posts: 1564

    Run away!!!!! Run far, far away!!!!!!!! I’d do alot of research on this one.

    Eric Rehberg
    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 3071

    I ran one for a while. The design and performance of that boat was pretty good. It wasnt a boat that would make you say wow, but it got the job done.
    With that said the fit and finish left something to be desired along with the durability. It seemed as though they used the lightest and cheapest parts they could. I didnt have any major issues but have heard of a few with them, not sure on the newer models though.

    MY personal opinion would be to stay with your crestliner.

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