Looking for outboard

  • rushcreek
    Posts: 66

    Hello to all. I’ve been viewing this website daily for several years. Love all the information on here. Finally decided it was time to get involved.
    I’m looking to buy an outboard. Somewhere in the 25-35HP range. Would prefer 4 stroke, but will settle for 2 stroke if price is right. Looking to keep the price at $1200 or less. Also trying to avoid paying sales tax, so would prefer private party. I live in SE MN. If anybody knows of where to find a good outboard, or personally has one for sale, please let me know by sending me a PM. Thanks.

    Pepin county Wi
    Posts: 312

    Just wanted to say Welcome Aboard

    Posts: 1748

    I got a 115 Mariner that is in really good shape

    might B 2 big 4 U

    Well welcome aboard

    mayB someone here can help U out, Good Luck

    Dave Ansell
    Rushford, MN
    Posts: 1571

    Welcome aboard neighbor Does this mean you’ve got the boat sold? Good luck with the motor search, I’ll keep my eyes open.

    Posts: 66

    Yep the boat is sold. At least in theory, nothing is ever sold until the check clears. Looked at a new boat yesterday, can’t decide if I should buy it or just take the money and run. I’ve still got my canoe, and lot’s of trout streams.

    Dave Ansell
    Rushford, MN
    Posts: 1571

    I hope the sale goes smoothly. I’ll keep my eyes open for the motor. We’ll have to get out on the water soon.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 1547


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