Shakespeare Wonderrod

  • Don Miller
    Onamia, MN
    Posts: 378

    I have used a 21′ telescoping Shakespeare Wonderrod for 20+ years for fishing sunfish. Last summer two sections stuck together and I crushed them trying to get them to collapse. I have been trying to find a replacement with no luck. All similar poles that I find have to be ordered from overseas. Does any one know where I might find a 21′ telescoping fiberglass pole available in the USA? Does anyone sell bamboo cane poles any longer?

    Posts: 3682

    I think Mills Fleet Farm has a good selection of telescoping rods.I saw them at the Albert Lea MN store last spring.
    Good luck finding a good bamboo rod.I have several in my garage,but they are 35+ yrs old.
    You might check the Bass Pro web site also.

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