I have been wanting to get a baitcast setup for throwing cranks to walleyes on wing dams –I think I will finally get around to it this year. I’d like to get some rod recommendations.
I need something that will throw light baits, say a #7 shad rap or a hair heavier, up to something like a DT14. It will have to have a fairly moderate/soft action to help with snags and keeping fish pinned. I’m thinking long and light, like 7’6″-8′ (closer to 8′ might be good) medium power, with a moderate or mod fast action. The new 7’4″ glass St. Croix mojo looks like a serious contender. I also threw a 9′ Avid steelhead rod last year that i liked, so there could be options in that category. Many others just seem too heavy — more geared towards bass fishing, which makes sense given the small number of guys who want to throw walleyes cranks with a baitcaster. Any ideas?
Oh yeah, and how about reels?
Thanks for any thoughts/suggestions.