Hornady SST 12 gauge slugs

  • magnum165
    Baldwin, WI
    Posts: 211

    Have any of you guys shot the SST 12 gauge slugs? I am in a shotgun only zone and just picked up a fully riffled slug barrel for my 870. I am thinking about trying these slugs and I am looking for some feed back.



    Posts: 197

    I have not personally used these slugs, but was in the same boat as you, thinking about trying them. I went to Cabelas online and looked at the reviews for them and that helped me determine not to use them. Guys say they have great accuracy but no knockdown power, and I wanted knockdown power

    Cordova, IL
    Posts: 373

    My brother and I have been shooting Remington Copper solids for 5 years with a rifled barrels and they hold true out to 150 & 200yds, respectively. My brother holds has a 4-12 scope so he likes the 200 yds target. With my 4X scope, I can’t see farther than 150. The energy they hold even at those ranges is incredible. They are pricy, but a box should kill 5 deer once you’ve got them scoped in. I shoot a NEP single shot 12 because all you need is a one shot.

    Good Luck.

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    Winchester’s Partition Gold slugs are something else. You’ll want to shoot several different varieties of slugs thru the gun to see which does the best for you. I know of people who shoot the coppers that can’t get a partition gold to come together at all. I know people who can’t do the Hornady’s because they won’t group for their gun. Shop around a little.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Maybe make a post over here also. Might get an answer to what you are looking for.

    Hunting Side

    blaine mn
    Posts: 1116

    I shoot these rounds but in a 20ga form a browing gold fully rifled scoped gun and it is honestly the best round I have ever fired out of this weapon. I tried several other rounds and had ok results but these rounds are right on! I would never hesitate to take a 200 yard shot!

    Dave Ansell
    Rushford, MN
    Posts: 1571

    I have used the SST’s and they are accurate but I have not shot a deer with them to comment on the power. I have also used the Winchester Supreme Part. Gold’s with good luck. My favorite slug is the Remington Premier Solid Copper for accuracy and the power they deliver.

    Good luck.

    blaine mn
    Posts: 1116

    and as far as knock down power goes these are designed more like a rifle round and are not a blunt round so there not going to hit as hard and always knock a deer off its feet but if you can hit what your shooting at you will have no problem.

    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3919

    Like CT said, u will want to try a few different brands and figure which has the desired pattern or group and then go about sighting it in with the best round for your needs.

    What is your intended type of hunting? That is about the most important question to ask. I can assume since you are thinking Hornady Its probly long distance???
    I know guys who will use sabots and scopes for drives and it flores me. Half the time they can’t find the running deer much less stay with it. We do a lot of drives and in my chiddy Mosberg 500 rifled throws Fed Vital shok 3″ groups at 75yd. We do a lot of drives and that’s a fine group for my hunting methods.
    Best Luck-Mark

    Pine City, MN.
    Posts: 1279

    I shoot a Mossberg 835 with these slugs
    GREAT SLUGS!! they drop deer like they were hit by lightining
    I get 2″ groups at 100yds with them
    I’m sighted 2.5 in high at 50yds dead on at 150yds and drops 6in at 200yds and will blow a cinder block to gravel at that distance
    I’ve killed deer out to 175yds (confermend by range finder)
    I’ve used Remington copper solids,Federal barnes expanders
    These have performed the best for me (jmo)
    shoot what gives you the best groups and the most confedence
    Good luck

    Baldwin, WI
    Posts: 211

    Thanks for the input guys. It sounds like the SST slugs are a great slug but the best approach would be to try several different brands and let the gun choose.



    blaine mn
    Posts: 1116

    Here is proof from this weekend that the SST 20 gauge slugs have stopping power. One on the left was taken at 138 yards from a 20 gauge browing gold rifled barrel with a scope and one on the right was also taken at 138 yards with a mossberg 500 rifled barrel with iron sights. both deer were dropped in there tracks!

    Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 1046

    i prefer the Partition Gold or Remington Core Lokt Ultra.

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