NMEA 2000 networking

  • broadwaybob
    Janesville, WI
    Posts: 402

    I just set up my boat with an NMEA 2000 network and I was wondering how many IDO’ers have their engines hooked up to their GPS/locators?

    I get engine monitoring data and fuel management data on the head unit screen and know exactly how much fuel I’ve used and have left. My equipment includes: Lowrance HDS-5, NMEA 2000 Starter kit, EP85 memory module, and 2010 90 hp ETEC engine with EMM buss cable.

    Posts: 3249

    I have a Yamaha interface but do not have the EP-85 storage
    device. Isn’t a head unit a storage device?

    I also have an EP-60 fuel flow sensor.

    Janesville, WI
    Posts: 402

    dandorn, the head unit does have storage but not for fuel flow information–they don’t connect (according to lowrance and Evinrude). However, your EP-60 fuel flow stores the information for you. I didn’t need one since my ETEC supplies fuel flow information eliminating the need for an EP-60.

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