what brand onboard charger?

  • snappin
    wisc go pack!
    Posts: 10

    I want to upgrade to an onboard charger this year. what brand do you consider to be the best. I am looking for a 3 bank charger that will charge my batteries overnight(6-8 hrs )I run two batteries for my trolling motor and the house battery. thanks ~~~~~~~~~snappin

    River Falls, WI
    Posts: 317

    Using a ProMariner Tournament pro 150 3-bank on-board charger, charges overnight. No problems yet but it is only 1 year old. I have the same set up as you.

    Good Luck

    E. Moline Illinois along the Rock River
    Posts: 1180

    I have a Guest Model 2623 onboard charger. It is 25 amp charger with a recovery time of 5 to 6 hours. I am very happy with it’s performance. Hope this helps you out some.

    Devils Lake ND area
    Posts: 330

    I’m on my third Professional Mariner Tournament Pro 15-3. I sell them with the boat so I have used them in total for 9 years. I plan to get the new model 150L when I outfit my new Warrior next month.

    The Pro 15-3 has 15 amps that are distributed as needed to the batteries. Example 1 amp to the main, 5 to one trolling and 9 to the other for a total of 15 amps.

    I leave it plugged in nearly 100% of the time when I am off the water during the season. I have gotten 6 years off my Trolling Thunder batteries without replacement.

    By the way my 2001 Warrior 1898 with a 200 HP Merc EFI is for sale.

    Posts: 517

    I run a Cabela’s ProSport 20. Like Kevin, I leave my boat “plugged in” nearly 100% of the time it’s not in use. I like the simple things about this charger like the long cord and colored coded charge status lights. The aluminum housing is very durable and distributes heat well. I would buy another if this one crapped out; however, I’ve not had any problems with the charger.

    Here’s a pic…

    Here’s a link..

    Cabela’s On Board Chargers

    Don Hanson
    Posts: 2073

    I have used Guest chargers for the past 5 years. Leave them plugged in all the time when boat is idle. Zero problems. Great customer service if you have questions.

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    Guest Battery Chargers that have a 3 bank system are the #2631, #2623, and #2613. Approximate recovery times are listed for each model. Marinco/Guest does have a good reputation for quality and service.

    NW Ia
    Posts: 1548

    I run the Cabelas Pro Sport model also and have not had one problem with it.
    Ryan Hale

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1402

    I run a Guest on board and havn’t had any problems with it in the last 2 years. I do leave my batteries pluged in when not in use.

    Dave Koonce
    Prairie du Chien Wi.
    Posts: 6946

    I have had the Guest charger on my boat for the past two years and ZERO problems with it

    Apple Valley, Mn (Pool 2)
    Posts: 352

    I also have a Guest and it hasn’t failed me in 10 years

    Devils Lake ND area
    Posts: 330

    Would you all agree in that you get what you pay for when you by chargers or any electronic do-dad for that matter.

    Quality costs money. It takes more to build one with better circuitry, software etc. Get the one you can afford and meets your fishing style and needs. Brand probably does not matter when you compare price with amps and number leads and so forth. I would recommend getting one with distributed demand.

    wisc go pack!
    Posts: 10

    Thanks all for all your input. I just started using this site and it is awesome. After much soul searching I am going to give wade a call and order a minn kota mt 330.I know alot of fisherman like the guest but I think I will try the mk330 as it has multi chargeing and charges in cold weather as well also the 3 year warranty the price is about the same. Also my minn kota trolling motor is the greatest!!!!! tight lines ~~~~~~~~~snappin

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166


    Thanks all for all your input. I just started using this site and it is awesome. After much soul searching I am going to give wade a call and order a minn kota mt 330.I know alot of fisherman like the guest but I think I will try the mk330 as it has multi chargeing and charges in cold weather as well also the 3 year warranty the price is about the same. Also my minn kota trolling motor is the greatest!!!!! tight lines ~~~~~~~~~snappin

    I heard those guys at Jolly Ann Marine are the best!

    Seriously, Thanks much!

    That MK 330 also has a $35 Mail-IN Rebate from Minn Kota . It’s always nice to get a check in the mail so you can go out and spend it on more fishing stuff!

    On the water- Minnesota
    Posts: 5022

    The Guest charger or Minn-kota chargers are more ideal for the weekend angler. The Pro Mariner brand is more for guides or tourney fisherman that will use their batteries everyday. The Pro Mariner is a hot aggressive charger. It will charge a fully discharged deep cycle battery in about 3-4 hours. The only downside to a hot charger is wet cell batteries will need more attention as the water evaporates faster and hot chargers will lessen battery life over time.

    Don Hanson
    Posts: 2073

    Guest makes a variety of models that will suit your use. The 2607 and 2608 models are designed for weekend use. The 2620-2623A- 2631- and 2635 are designed for the angler who uses their boat everyday, be it guiding or tournaments.

    I use the 2620 model and it has not failed in 6 years of use.

    On the water- Minnesota
    Posts: 5022

    The Guest Tourney Pro chargers have a 5 hours recovery time at 60% discharge. Ad another 4 hours at 100% discharge. Guest makes a good charger, haven’t heard any complaints.

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