Minn Kota Maxxum not working

  • b-curtis
    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 1438

    Yesterday my Maxxum just stopped working during the day. I see the light illuminating the direction arrow still lights up, but I got nothing else. The batteries are fine. I’m wondering if this would be the foot control or the motor. Even if it is the foot control is doesn’t look real easy to just replace the foot control. Has anybody else experienced this? Is it worth trying to get fixed? Where would I take it in the Twin Cities to have it looked at? Thanks for any help!


    Posts: 622

    Motor Clinic in Bloomington. Google it you will find it.

    middle of the corn belt Tekamah, Ne
    Posts: 41

    Mine did the same thing and it was the armature. You can check it by trying this. When the motor stops pick it up out of the water and move the prop a 1/8 of a turn and hit the switch. If it takes off then there is propably a flat spot in the armature and it will need to be replaced.
    I think mine was 200 to 300 for the repair.

    Mine was an intermittant problem that only got worse.
    I am a bass guy so I am on and off the pedal all the time.
    The motor would stop on the flat more and more.
    I hope this helps good luck.

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908


    When the motor stops pick it up out of the water and move the prop a 1/8 of a turn and hit the switch. If it takes off then there is propably a flat spot in the armature and it will need to be replaced.

    Having the same problem with a PowerDrive. That test you describe is exactly what I’m seeing. Thanks for the info!


    gary d
    Posts: 1125

    My sons Minnkota was doing the same thing, Stop working and you could lift it out of the water and put it down and it would start working again. Like you said,armature problem. That was the ticket.

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 1438

    It doesn’t look I am having the same issue with the armature, or at least that test didn’t work for me. I dropped it off at the motor clinic. Thanks for the info guys!

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    Mine went fast. Totally dead last night… Off to Motor Clinic today.


    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 1438

    I think the Motor Clinic gets a lot of business on Monday and Tuesday’s every week in the summer.

    Sounds like I fried the motherboard in the pedal. Gonna cost me $250 but I should have it back for the weekend.

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908


    …..I should have it back for the weekend.

    Me too! Good thing, my weekend will be 9 days long.


    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 1438

    Got the call. It is done. Talk about fast turnaround! Apparently there was some fishing line around the prop which they said helped lead to the motherboard burning out. I’m not one to check my prop too often since I don’t get my line caught in the prop and if I run over someone else’s broken off line I would see it. Guess not. Lesson learned to check my prop more often. Expense lesson learned.

    Nine days. I would kill for a nine day weekend right about now. Nine days would be a long time to go without a trolling motor. Good thing for great service!

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    My problem ended up being melted wires in the head unit. They cut out the melted wires and re-did the connections. $45 out the door. They checked everything out and said she looks good!

    In and out in a day – Great Service!


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