Thanks To Wade At Jolly Marine & Outdoor

  • bill_cadwell
    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Thanks a million Wade for all the info you provide all of us on these new products. It makes shopping for new toys a one stop shop right here at In-Depth. No, I don’t read them all [tons of them] as if I did I would have way too many toys that I wouldn’t know what to do with them all. But when I’m in the market for something new or better all I have to do is come here and read about it. Much appreciated Bud. Thanks, Bill

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    You bet Bill! I’ll tell you what, there are so many new products just out or coming out this year that the biggest problem my customers have right now is, “How do I choose?”. I’m not kidding. Some guys are just tormented trying to decide which new unit to purchase.

    We’ll continue to do our best to keep members up to date on new releases.

    Thanks for your support Bill!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    10-4 on the “tormented”. It is nice to have someone one the cutting edge of the new electronics, motors and the like.

    As Wade knows, I struggled for far too long on a gps/sonar unit. Couple couch sessions and some good advise and I have a unit on the way…AND I’m still married!

    You are truely an asset to IDA!

    (Note to new users of IDA: Wade doesn’t pay me to say this….yet )

    Bob Carlson
    Mille Lacs Lake (eastside), Mn.
    Posts: 2936

    Yes, Wade it’s great to have you around!

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    The facts are that there is only so much money and there are do many new toys out there for a fisherman to buy / need / use and if we have one place where we can come and get that info on the different brands and kinds of equipement it is so much easier to find what will do the best job for what we need for the kind of fishing that we each do for our dollar. And Thanks to Wade the place where all that info is found is right here. It saves having to run to a bunch of different stores or websites to check out different electronics which makes shopping so much easier. And Wade does have great prices/service/free shipping/and no tax if you live outside of Iowa. What more could we ask for. I myself have purchased 3 items from Wade at different times and got excellent service all 3 times. Another great reason to make In-Depthangling they only site you need. Thanks, Bill

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Now if Wade would only have a line on Anchors.

    wisc go pack!
    Posts: 10

    I just found this site last week and think it is great! I made one post and wade answered right away. I visit here daily now and have learned much in a short time. Keep up the good work wade!!!!!! snappin

    Rochester, Minnesota
    Posts: 12607

    Welcome to the site Snappin. Glad to have you and everyone else who is new here with us. Thanks, Bill

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