I am wiring a sonar/gps combo and encountered something strange. I wired it to what I believed to be a bus (correct term?) that (appears to be) connected directly to the battery. It also appears to be have a lead to a stereo coming out of it and another lead, which I think goes the main switch panel. I pulled power directly from this bus and the locator reads 10 v. When I instead draw power from the main switch on the panel, it reads 12 v. Any ideas what is going on? I am running a 3 amp in line fuse as well. Is it problematic to split the wire coming off the main switch from the panel to two different sonar/gps devices? Also, I need to wire a marine radio. Where should I draw power for this? The bus has several empty spots to connect to (but only seems to have 10v) and I’m having trouble finding any spots to wire into the panel (other than splitting an existing wire). Thanks in advance for any thoughts, and sorry for the 20 questions.

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