I’m looking for any advice to help me decide between a 24 volt MinnKota Maxxum 74# bow mount/foot control and a comparable 24 volt Motor Guide (looks like either a 71# or 82#). I’ve been a Motor Guide man for years. But recently, I’ve had people tell me that Minn Kotas have passed up Motor guide in technology and quality. I know this may be like a Ford vs. Chevy question, but I am looking for any advice. I fish mostly current in the river so I need long lasting power, but take trips to Leech lake and need something that can take a beating in waves and wind. I also fish a lot of heavy weeds (wild rice and lily pads) for bass, so I need something that runs very weedless. I’m not concerned much about selecting the right pound thrust, but I’m thinking about quality and dependability. And I’m just looking at the basic bow mount, cable driven foot control, not auto pilots or remote controls. Any advice on either the Maxxum or comparable motor guides is much appreciated!!!

Posts: 27
February 7, 2004 at 1:24 am