150 hp Mercury EFI vs the Optimax

  • igotone
    Posts: 1748

    I would like as much input from the operators that have had these motors.

    Is the Optimax that much more less on gas and oil as advertised?

    Any and all information would be appreciated

    I am looking at a 150hp 2008 Optimax

    can buy an EFI cheaper

    Optimax’s did have a bad record in the earlier years but sales reps say that they are very good now.

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    The 150hp optimax has a flawless track record. You are thinking of the 200 and 225 hp motors.

    Go with the Opti over the EFI. You won’t regret it!


    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    The bigger block engines (175,200,225)did have a bad rap about 1999-2004. The 150 has been a rock solid motor the entire time. If I had an opportunity to buy Opti over an EFI, I wouldn’t even think twice and buy the Opti. Just my opinion!

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    JJ beat me to it!

    Posts: 963

    OPTI all the way here, love mine and next to the EFI its a no brainer, my buddys have had nothing but problems with the efi

    Posts: 1564

    Had a merc 115 4 stroke on my boat, ran around all the time at full throttle to cruise at 40mph–sucked gas like no tomorrow. Swapped out motors to a 135 optimax, now within a hair of maxed out HP for my rig and crusiing around at 40mph burning far less gas. Reason is, not running around at full throttle all the time. All motors gulp the fuel at full throttle, no matter what you run. That being said, my opti is more than easy on the gas and oil.
    Good luck!

    LaCrosse, WI
    Posts: 1960

    The other benefit to the Opti, is that it will idle down to lower RPMs. I had a 150 EFI merc, and it was not good on gas at all. Our tourney boat has a 200 opti and that probably gets 50% or better fuel mileage than my 150 EFI (that motor may have had some issues though).

    The 200 Opti will troll down to about 2mph in normal river conditions, which is good during mid summer (I still usually use the kicker though).

    Posts: 109

    I have a ProV 1900 IFS…Had a 2003 150EFI Saltwater version on it…I got about 1.5-2mpg…Two years ago I found a 2003 new in crate 200HP Opti…I put that on and after the break in period I get between 3.2 and 3.7 mpg running at a speed that was equal to WOT on the 150…Bottom line. OPTI all the way. Wish I would have done it years ago. I’d have saved thousands of dollars in gas.

    Iowa Marshall Co
    Posts: 956

    Have never had any problems with my 150 EFI and I have never ran the Opti. I would go along with the what the others are saying if you can swing it.

    Posts: 38

    Have a 97 150efi that gets used a lot, and lots of trolling as well. The efi’s are as bulletproof as they come, and hve always been. Any research will show that.

    However, given the choice between the two, I would take the opti any day, it is just newer tech, and the 150 opti was always good. We would have opti, but it came out in 98…

    But our efi is so good and strong and trouble-free that its not worth us upgrading. And I guess Idon’t find the efi to be a gas “hog”, but I spose if I had a opti to compare to I would

    Good luck.

    West Central, MN
    Posts: 338

    X2 w/ Box.

    I have a 175 EFI and they are known to be very reliable as is with the small block Optimax’s.

    Tom P.
    Whitehall Wi.
    Posts: 3544


    And I guess Idon’t find the efi to be a gas “hog”, but I spose if I had a opti to compare to I would.

    I have a couple of freinds that run 25HP and a 40WP and they complain about how much gas they use.

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