Pflueger Supreme Scratchy???

  • Bassn Dan
    Posts: 1007

    I just got a new Supreme XT 8035 and the quality is very disappointing.

    It has a “scratchy” sound and feel to it. I’ve tried oiling and greasing it, and that made it a bit smoother though it’s still VERY scratchy. I know there are a lot of happy Pflueger spinning reel users on IDO, so this reel is probably not a typical Pflueger? It isn’t horrible, but any Daiwa or Shimano I’ve ever handled regardless of cost, has been WAY smoother than this. I suppose it may improve with use, but I would guess that it could also get worse…

    Any ideas?



    Bluff Country
    Posts: 173

    Return it ASAP! Pflueger’s are super smooth especially the supreme.

    Ben Garver
    Hickman, Nebraska
    Posts: 3148

    Did you buy it somewhere close where you could exchange it for a different one? Sounds like you may have gotten a bad one.

    Posts: 163

    You beat me to it, return asap. This is very rare I believe.

    My river
    Posts: 1678

    ive had bad luck with pfluegers. mainly holding up over time. super smooth at first then crap after 2 or so years…

    Rochester, Mn
    Posts: 5967

    Sounds odd to me ,I have 6 8030 supremes and they work flawlessly, and just purchase an Arbor.

    If it not a hassle return it and try another one. Just a thought

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    I own a bunch of Shimano reels and a handful of Pfluegers. Both reels are solid products but the Shimano reels are smoother in my opinion. Is a new Pflueger “scratchy?” Nope. You got a clunker. Any time you go to buy a reel I suggest you take each reel out of the box in the store and give it a going over. Test the drag, bail spring and the rotation of the handle. Don’t be afraid to try 3, 4 or more reels on the shelve (be good to the retailer by putting all the packaging and instructions back as you found them). It is common to find one or two reels that just feel better than the others. Those go home with me. The others stay and wait for those less discriminating.

    Bassn Dan
    Posts: 1007


    Did you buy it somewhere close where you could exchange it for a different one? Sounds like you may have gotten a bad one.

    Unfortunately, this was purchased a couple of months ago, not locally, and it is a gift.

    Thanks for the replies. I guess I’ll have to decide if I want to send this back to Pflueger, to the seller, or do something else.


    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13923

    Pflueger is great about replacing them in a timely manor. I have a lot of supreme XTs and had sent a couple of them back. No problems at all on having the replaced.

    Dean Marshall
    Chippewa Falls WI /Ramsey MN
    Posts: 5853

    If you are in the area,I might be able to help out with this one.

    Posts: 302


    If you are in the area,I might be able to help out with this one.

    Yet another reason Dean is the BEST

    Steven Krapfl
    Springville, Iowa
    Posts: 1894


    I own a bunch of Shimano reels and a handful of Pfluegers. Both reels are solid products but the Shimano reels are smoother in my opinion. Is a new Pflueger “scratchy?” Nope. You got a clunker. Any time you go to buy a reel I suggest you take each reel out of the box in the store and give it a going over. Test the drag, bail spring and the rotation of the handle. Don’t be afraid to try 3, 4 or more reels on the shelve (be good to the retailer by putting all the packaging and instructions back as you found them). It is common to find one or two reels that just feel better than the others. Those go home with me. The others stay and wait for those less discriminating.

    Agreed. Shimanos for me take the cake. Can’t beat a nice new Stradic straight outta the box! But I also agree you prolly got a clunker. My buddy fishes solely with Pfluegers and I have President micros on my ice rods and have never had a problem. I’d return it, too.

    Menomonie, WI
    Posts: 2317


    Return it ASAP! Pflueger’s are super smooth especially the supreme.

    X2. I’ve got a couple president 6750’s and they are great. If it does not meet your expectations by all means get rid of it.

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361

    I have 2 UL Pflueger Presidents that have been working full time for over 3 years now. They work hard in the winter and summer. Keeping up with the required maintenance these reels still perform as they did there first trip out of the box.

    Sorry you hit a lemon, just saying I would not let the one bad apple deter me from purchasing Plfueger spinning reels.

    Dean Marshall
    Chippewa Falls WI /Ramsey MN
    Posts: 5853

    Just had a new Symetre out of the box that was a clunker….Rare but happens once in awhile.

    Posts: 1564

    Where is the “clunk” coming from? Something you can isolate to the reel itself? Reason I ask is, according to a reel repair guy I know, most ‘clunks, catches and weird feels’ actually come from the handle.
    If not, I agree with the others. you got a lemon. Like the others, my supremes are silky smooth and holding up well.

    Bassn Dan
    Posts: 1007

    Thanks for the replies, and Thanks Dean for the offer to help out – too bad I’m not closer…

    To clarify, the reel has a “scratchy grind” sound and feel to it. If I had shopped for this reel in a store, this particular one would have been a “cull.”

    From your responses, this is far from typical for this reel so it sounds like it’s worthwile to pursue getting it replaced.



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