What’s Your Line?

  • grampajimh
    Delmar, IA
    Posts: 255

    I have gone pretty much to braided line (Love Spiderwire Stealth), but for certain applications I want to use mono. I hate mono that has memory and want one with good abration resistance. What is your opinion of the best line with these Characteristics?

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Hi Jim! I bet your from Iowa!

    I am not a pro or have I used all the lines out there..but I don’t think you can find regular mono without memory. Well, I guess there’s some with less than others.
    Don’t know what application you’re using this for, but have you thought of using your favorite Spider Wire with a lenght of mono for a leader?

    Generally these braided lines come with instructions on tying the braid to mono if you don’t know the knot, which I don’t.

    Good luck!


    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872

    P-Line is the only non-super line I use. In my experiences with it, P-Line offers what you are looking for.

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    Berkely Trilene XL – Clear or Green.


    Bay City , WI
    Posts: 4001

    I guess I’m an old fashioned guy. The only mono I use is Trilene XL. For trolling I use Fireline.

    Gator Hunter

    Dave Koonce
    Prairie du Chien Wi.
    Posts: 6946

    what are you fishing for when you want to use mono ?

    Delmar, IA
    Posts: 255

    Most of my Walleye fishing has been trolling lakes like Big Pine with Crankbaits (Braid works GREAT for that) I also cast crankbaits in late September to the rocks on Pool #5. The rocks seem to cut Fireline (I haven’t tried Stealth for this yet). So I’ve used Trilene XT for this. I feel XT has a lot of memory. I Use either an Albright or Blood knot to tie my Braid to the cheap mono I fill my spools with. I suppose that is what you use for connecting a mono leader to braid???? Will Stealth work for slip bobber fishing for Crappie? I’ve been using mono for this too. Here is a good knot site http://www.marinews.com/fishing/fk_main.htm
    Thanks JIM

    Delmar, IA
    Posts: 255

    Pan fish on slip Bobbers, and I use it for fishing crankbaits in rock for Walleye……JIM

    Delmar, IA
    Posts: 255

    What is P-line? Where do you get it?

    Ramsey, MN
    Posts: 4082

    I use Berkley XL or XT. Always in the green color.

    Does anyone use Vanish? I tried it one year in the early spring (cold) and the line would break every time I tied the hook on. I never got to test it on a fish because I couldn’t even get a hook on it.

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908


    Does anyone use Vanish? I tried it one year in the early spring (cold) and the line would break every time I tied the hook on. I never got to test it on a fish because I couldn’t even get a hook on it.

    Same result here. Vanish has vanished!

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603


    I use Berkley XL or XT. Always in the green color.

    Does anyone use Vanish? I tried it one year in the early spring (cold) and the line would break every time I tied the hook on. I never got to test it on a fish because I couldn’t even get a hook on it.

    Beware the Vanish for anything but leader material. Just as most guys have said they don’t like Iron silk, most guys don’t like Vanish either. Vanish has more memory problems than any other line I’ve tried!

    P-Line is on clearance at Gander Mountain locations right now. Maybe in only some diameters but I saw some in the bin. If I used mono more, I’d have bought some to try. I think Cabela’s and Bass Pro carry it as well. Look ’em up!

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1402

    I saw the P-line in bass pro and it does come in 6-8lb with the solar tint. Has anyone use the 6lb or 8lb in this line? How well did it perform? Does it have good abrasion resistance?…………Tom? I was going to ask you about it at the ice fishing gathering but forgot

    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872

    I have the 8lb on my spinning rods. Keep in mind, just because it says P-Line, doesn’t make it all the same. They make a few versions of it. The CXX stuff is pretty stiff and doesn’t fish well on spinning tackle. I ONLY use the CX Premium. I have it spooled on with a machine that doesn’t twist the line. Abrasion resistance? Some of the best I’ve seen. I’ve not used the Hi Vis stuff. Can’t help you there.

    La Crescent, MN
    Posts: 2792

    P-Line all the way for me!!

    I LOVE the CXX stuff on baitcasters, and I use the Flouroclear or CX on spinning.

    Is the solar only in the CXX? It may be too stiff for that, although I found you can normally go down one size in CXX (ie I use 12 pound where I used to use 15 in Trilene, etc.). Down in 6 pound test, CXX may be supple enough. You won’t find a more abraision resistant line.

    Delmar, IA
    Posts: 255

    Thanks for your info on the P-line CX Premium…Sounds like That may be what I need….JIM

    NW Ia
    Posts: 1548

    Guys I love Vanish for summer use.I use it for leader material for slip-bobber fishing,live bait rigging,and even tie spinners with it.We also use it for leader material for ice fishing on West Okoboji.I do not fill spools with it but for leader material it works fine for me.
    Ryan Hale

    La Crescent, MN
    Posts: 2792


    Are you the one last summer that said you knew of some bad batches of Berkely Ironsilk? I had some of the stuff in 12 pound, and it was the crappiest line I ever used. Could NOT tie a decent knot in the stuff.

    mountain man
    Coon Valley, WI.
    Posts: 1419

    Stren HIVIS 6#-8# for any jigging and finesse(Bass&Walleye)
    10# XT for everything else. Somebody mentioned knots I use an improved cinch exclusively.
    Courtland Musky Braid 17-28? with leader for Musky and trophy Northern Still use same knot except I pass it through the eye twice.

    NW Ia
    Posts: 1548

    MossBoss,was it the Low -vis stuff?Let me know please because they have had more problems with it than the Hi-vis stuff.Thanks for the info.
    Ryan Hale

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1402

    Thanks for the info guys and saving me a few bucks . I see the flourescent green only comes in the CXX . Sounds like the CXX would be a little difficault and hard to manage for myself and customers. If anyone ever tries the 6lb CXX I would love to hear some feed back.

    Delmar, IA
    Posts: 255

    Dave…Thanks for putting my pic by my name. Everyone else thanks for the line info. I was allready to get Iron Silk until I read about it on this site. I’ve been visiting fishing sites for years. This one makes all the others look like TRASH. I received such good feed back on mono line that it wouldn’t hurt to discuss Braided a bit. I started out with Fireline (Wasn’t real fond of it). Then I used Power Pro (I thought it was pretty good). About August I bought my first Stealth (Almost as good as SEX). How about the rest of you?

    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 2128

    I use 4lbs test flame green fire line on all my vertical jigging rods. This will be my fourth year using it and I love it. I also use it for smallmouth fishing casting and pitching jigs. very seldom do I use a mono leader, I tie the line right to the jig with a palomar knot. When using fireline one trick you have to do is spool with mono first about 25 yards then 75 yard of fireline then it dont slip on your spool. I use small reels also. One down fall is it cost to much. I fish nine months out of the year with usally changing line twice, pretty good you think.

    Posts: 315

    im a bass fisherman but the best line for the money is the cabellas pro line

    i dont know what it is about it or who makes it but i have had less breakoffs with this then any other line i have used
    knock on wood plus at over a thousand yards for 5.99 cant beat that either

    westby wi
    Posts: 864

    Jim try this http://www.p-line.com gonna give the floroclear line a try this yr.That an stealth.I bought both of them at Gander mountain

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1402

    Jim IA,

    Thar spider wire stealth is some good stuff . I use it on all my trolling and 3-waying rods. I have yet to try it on a spinning reel. I am still using fireline for casting cranks to rip rap and wing dams. I bought a bunch of it in bulk a couple years ago and want to use it up before spending money on more superlines. I would love to hear the results from those of you that have used the stealth on spinning gear.

    Minneapolis area
    Posts: 199

    I loved the Cabela’s Pro Line till about a year ago. Up until that time I think it was Trilene XL. Think they changed to Iron Silk as now it is too stiff and springs off the spool.

    Posts: 315

    say it aint so i thought it was stren i use it on my flippin sticks etc i bought some in september when i was in prarie and its just as good as it used to be

    can any one else confirm this?

    St. Paul MN.
    Posts: 438

    For mono I like trilen xl or xt.I have been using it so long I understand how the line will perfom in different situations.

    wisc go pack!
    Posts: 10

    I use power pro10/2 for jigging with a mono leader in clear water, XT 12# for trolling, 30# power pro for flatheads. A friend of my uses that p-line for trolling for salmon on lake Michigan he claims weeds won’t clig to the line as much as other line

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