Portable shack ID

  • Jigger14
    Posts: 5

    I have a Heco portable ice fishin shack and am trying to put ID on the outside. I don’t want it permanent, in case I sell it or move. I’ve tried thin brown paper held on by reinforced tape, but it won’t hold. I’ve tried 2 sided tape, doesn’t hold. I’m assuming alot of people have put ID on their shack, maybe you can help out. What will work without causing permanent damage? Any ideas? Thanks!

    E. Moline Illinois along the Rock River
    Posts: 1180

    What works for me is velcro, fabric glue and a zip lock baggie. It’s inexpensive and holds up in high winds. I also use this system for all the paper work on my boats. I just velcro the baggie to the underside of my rod box. I hope this helps you out some.

    Badger, MN- not too far from the big pond!
    Posts: 88

    I used to have a shappel portable and all I did was hang a wire coat hanger from the zipper with a binder sleeve stapled over it with my name and address….I’d take it off when I packed up, used it for 2 years like that. Now I have a trap voyageur that came with it’s own handy dandy name/license holder

    Posts: 5

    Sounds like a good idea, but the zip lock baggie wouldn’t be big enuf…up here in Minn they want you to put your name and address or d/l number across in 2″ tall figures. Why, I don’t know. People sittin on a bucket don’t have their name or d/l scrawled across their back, but anyway…

    Does fabric glue bond forever, or does it roll off like rubber cement if you take off the signage? I suppose I’m looking for too much to make it removable without damage.
    Maybe something magnetic that would stick to metal inside.
    Any other ideas out there?? Thanks for the help!

    Posts: 5

    Hi Marcus, that sounds like a good idea. I have a 3 ring binder insert that would totally enclose the info. Then all I need to do is string it through the grommet holes on the back straps. The door zippers are both on the ice when closed, but those other holes will work. I’ll give it a try, should be better than what I tried already.
    Thanks for the help! With any luck, by the time I figure it out they’ll decide portables don’t need ID on ’em.
    (guys on buckets don’t ID their buckets, why pick on the portables…I’ll never figure that one out)

    Thanks again guys for the help!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59992

    THAT is a great idea for a state to raise money for their shrinking general fund. Charge for buckets on the ice! That makes more sense than attaching a permenent number to your portable shack.

    I’ll post the response from the DNR…this aught to be good


    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59992

    The question to the dnr was…What’s the reasoning behind having permenent, 2″ D/L numbers on your “portable” fishing sleds?

    The response is below.

    —–Original Message—–
    From: Jim Abernathy [mailto:[email protected]]
    Sent: Tuesday, January 20, 2004 3:59 PM
    To: Klawitter, Brian
    Subject: Re: Ice house question?

    Hello Brian,
    The statue(97C.355) is written fairly vague. They consider a shelter
    anything with more than three sides. The way the statue is written
    everyone follows the same regulations. I believe enforcement woudl like
    to keep the regultaions the same for everyone. And not have different
    regulations for different types of shelters.
    good luck

    Posts: 5130

    I always thought the law applied to 1) Minnesota and 2)Permanent shacks in Wisconsin. But, on Sunday I was fishing on Third Lake in Trempeleau when a warden came and checked us out. He was a nice guy, but informed me that since I was on border waters I needed to have my name and address in 1 inch letters on my Otter. I never knew that. He didn’t write a ticket or anything, just gave me a heads up. Has anybody else ever heard of that?

    Bay City , WI
    Posts: 4001


    Hello Brian,
    The statue(97C.355) is written fairly vague. They consider a shelter
    anything with more than three sides. The way the statue is written
    everyone follows the same regulations. I believe enforcement woudl like
    to keep the regultaions the same for everyone. And not have different
    regulations for different types of shelters.
    good luck

    So if I built a triangle or dome shaped ice shack then I wouldn’t have to register it or put my name on it even if it is a permanent.

    Gator Hunter

    Bay City , WI
    Posts: 4001

    Speaking of ice shacks, check this picture out. This was from a lake in northern Michigan a couple years ago.

    Gator Hunter

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59992

    I think the question of the day is:

    If I just use my pull over as a wind break (the back – 1/2 way up) would I be exempt? Only three sides…

    Do you think having your D/L on the outside would allow an officer to pull your criminal record before he goes knocking on your door…to see if you’re packing?
    There was a Warden (his handle) posting on this site in ’01, sure would be nice to have one around once in a while….for questons.

    Without understanding the “why’s”, it’s really easy to say the dnr, government ect are nuts.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59992

    Gator…Looks like tents?

    Dave Koonce
    Prairie du Chien Wi.
    Posts: 6946

    Looks like sinking ice houses !!!

    Posts: 5

    The funny thing is, the Minn fishing law book says that the name and address or d/l number “of the owner” should be displayed. Well, the owner and the user could be two different people. So, if the person inside isn’t the person labeled on the outside, what purpose does it serve on the portable shacks?

    For the true ‘criminal’, they could just put a deceased persons name on the outside, call them the owner, and still be legal. But they still won’t know who’s inside.

    It’s not really that big of a deal…it just has more purpose for permanent (for a few months) shacks than portables. That way if that permanent one starts to sink in Febuary they know whose it is.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59992


    it just has more purpose for permanent (for a few months) shacks than portables. That way if that permanent one starts to sink in Febuary they know whose it is.

    I agree. and my point exactly. Fold up portable should be exempt, if they are occupied and taken off the ice each night…I can’ t see that as being a enforcement problem.

    But..here comes the troll in me!

    I haven’t been following the brew ha ha about enforcement entering a fishhouse without a reason…but for permenent shacks, I can see people not wanting them to gain enterance with out the owners approval because of sleeping or “other activities”. Let’s leave the criminal element out at this time. So, does that mean the same law would effect a portable too?

    Owatonna, MN
    Posts: 33

    Clam makes an excellent license holder than can be installed on any portable. I bought one last night at FleetFarm for $8.99-durable and very easy to install.

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