Navionics HotMaps Gold & Classic – screen shots

  • wade_kuehl
    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6167

    Okay guys! I finally figured out a way to get these screen shots on to the website. I promised a few guys here I would get these posted. You’ll have to go to my website to see the screen shots but they turned out pretty good I think!

    The Classic version has more the look of a typical paper map, while the Gold version has a little more of a computer-generated look.

    This should give you guys a little better idea of the difference in appearance between the HotMaps Gold and the HotMaps Classic versions. Please remember to ensure compatibility when buying Navionics Charts. The Humminbirds will only run Gold, while the Lowrance/Eagle units will run either version. I have included a compatibility list on my website as well to make it a little easier to figure out. You can also access the full list of lakes for the website.

    If any one has any questions, let me know.

    By the way, for all the Garmin users out there, Garmin has it’s own version of Fishing Hot Spots Maps and they will be releasing a new version this year. I’m not sure when it will be out yet, but you might want to hold of on buying any Garmin FHS CD until the new version is released. Just a heads up!

    Navionics HotMaps

    Navionics HotMaps Screen Shots – Mille Lacs Lake – Gold and Classic versions

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Wade – please don’t take this as a personal attack….BUT where did you learn how to run a business!??

    Let me help you out here…. All Garmin users – please disregard the following….


    By the way, for all the Garmin users out there, Garmin has it’s own version of Fishing Hot Spots Maps and they will be releasing a new version this year. I’m not sure when it will be out yet, but you might want to hold of on buying any Garmin FHS CD until the new version is released. Just a heads up!

    Go out and buy the Garmin FHS CD. In a few months Wade will let you know when the new version is out and he will make twice the money!

    Seriously, I know I sound like a walking advertisment for Jolly Ann Marine, but in my dealings with Wade….well, as in the example above, it’s like he’s working for you. Honest up front information.

    I never click on banner ads, because I don’t like all the pop up windows and the crap that comes along with most of them…BUT, I can’t tell you how many times I click on Jolly Ann’s banner for information and prices.

    As I have no affiliation with Wade…except as a customer, I have no reason to post this. Except that I, like most people am one of the first to bitch about poor service. When exceptional service comes around, I like to let other people know too. Unfortunatly, this seldom happens.

    For the best price, place the item in the shopping cart and view it there or send Wade a PM or email from his website or just give him a ring. I think you will be surprised. With free shipping, it’s a great way to support this site and keep a buck or two in your pocket (if you live outside of sales tax).

    I know, a little on the long winded side. Sooo,

    now let’s all turn to hymm number….

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6167

    Brian, you are too funny man!

    What! Are you trying to get a job as my spokesmodel?!!? LOL

    Anyway, I understand that it’s probably not typical business practices to tell folks “not to buy”, but I’m not all that hip on typical business practices. Who wants to spend over 100 bucks on a CD only to have the new, updated version come out 2 months later. Not me!

    I appreciate the “promo” and I’ll keep you posted on the spokesmodel deal. It’s down to you and those ladies on The Price is Right. Bob Barker shouldn’t have all the fun!

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Ya know, when I go to your site it’s always been to look at electronics. Today, I happen to see that you have optic. I was heading to Gander Mtn for a new set of glasses…
    But I have a question about what power to get…so when you get off the phone….. give me a ring. I left my phone number on your email.

    Time to put my foot where my mouth is…or was it money where my foot is…

    Posts: 365

    Hey thanks Wade!
    I think I’ll take your previous recommendation and go for the Gold! Any estimate on when Lowrance might be sending you some 480 units? Mr.Taxman is coming so I’m wondering how well I need to hide my little electronics stash!
    Thanks again!

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 82


    Great info as always! I recently attended a seminar put on by Bruce Sampson where he spoke about using GPS & Sonar. There was alot of discussion about the accuracy of the Navionics Hotmaps. Some lakes on the chip are using old DNR data overlayed with GPS coordinates (not very accurate), some are using USGS data (Very accurate). He suggested that the new Promap MMC cards from Lakemaster would be they way to go – over Hot Maps. I believe Lakemaster and Navionics have a new partnership where Navionics is going to be branding these new chips. Any thoughts/Are you going to be carrying these?

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6167

    Corbin, Thanks for the questions. I have actually heard nothing but very positive feedback on the accuracy of the Navionics Charts. The 2004 version uses a number of different sources, and the sources vary from lake to lake and by version (Gold/Classic). And, I believe you’re corrct about the Navionics/Lakemaster partnership but I do not have any real helpful knowledge on that. I have also heard good things about Lakemaster and Reel Bottom, but we do not carry them at this point.

    Here’s an old post speaking about the accuracy of the Navionics HotMaps: Navionics HotMaps!

    I’ve heard enough good feedback on these that I want to get a Navionics chip myself. Now, I just have to talk my wife into it. So many things I want…

    Crankbait, The Lowrance 480 is supposed to be shipped sometime in January but I’m not holding my breath. The Products that were scheduled for December were just shipped last week. This is pretty common, not just for Lowrance but most of the manufacturers. I will be posting here on IDA when the new product arrive. By the way, I like the look of the Gold too.

    Brian, I’ll be giving you a call asap.

    Thanks guys,


    Posts: 22

    Not trying to Spam as I have started to work with In-Depth angling to try and get my business listed but I wanted to respond to a comment on some of this thread. I think both the new LakeMaster and HotSpots mapping technology that you utilize with the GPS units are great.

    However, 2 big issues. #1 is that the equipment to utilize the technology is expensive and #2 these businesses will always focus on the large lakes because this process is expensive and there isn’t enough revenue to do smaller lakes.

    There is a company that produces custom GPS calibrated lakes maps for you that will interface to just about every GPS model ever made. The maps load on your computer and you can select any spot on a lake and the waypoint is automatically transferred to your GPS. Also, tracks or trolling passes can be saved to and from your GPS. It works really slick. The great part is it will work with just about every GPS and about 90% of the lakes the DNR has on file so more than 4000 can be calibrated. So long story short, buy the high priced options for the few big lakes you fish if you have the equipment and use the Lake Maps I am referring to for the smaller lakes. If this is Samp, I apologize and please delete. To contact me for more information, PM me and I will be glad to answer any of your questions.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Didn’t sound like spam to me…just information for the average joe…like me. Could use a little more info. Like can you load it into a a garmin legend? Cost. How much memory ect?

    Posts: 22

    I will PM you with some detail.

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6167

    Kirsh, Not a problem. We invite the sharing of information here and we can always use more advertisers.

    I do think we’re comparing apples to oranges here though. I checked out your site – Kirsch’s Mapping Service – It looks to be a rather different tool than the actual Navionics or Fishing Hots Spots Charts. But I do think it could be quite useful for some, and like you said, especially some smaller lakes that might not be included on the mapping charts.

    Best of luck on your project!


    Posts: 22


    You are quite right that my maps are quite different. The map types you mention allow a fisherman to plug in a Media Card into the GPS/Graph and see the contours and lake info on the GPS. This is a very powerful option.

    My system integrates the GPS (handheld or graph) to the computer. My system isn’t restricted by type of GPS or Sonar or if it can accept memory cards. You can use the power of the software and provided calibrated map to seek out fishing spots, save trolling passes, and manage your waypoints and tracks effectively.

    My system allows NMEA control as well which would allow a user with a laptop to hook up the GPS and watch their actual travel on a lake similar to the other products. To be honest, this is mostly for appeal and I don’t even do this anymore for many reason such as not wanting my laptop in the boat.

    Thanks for checking out my website at As I mentioned before the other tools are great and are very different as you point out. For a person who wants to pick spots on a lake and not waste time trying to find them or wants a great way to store and track fishing spots and trolling passes on just about any lake in MN, I don’t know of another way to do this beside using my software. Nice chatting with you.

    FYI, I checked out your website as well and it looks like you carry a good selection of items at great prices and are known for your service. I hope to be able to purchase items from you in the future.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Hey Kirsch! I was working today and didn’t have much time to check out your product. But I will after the weekend…

    I’ll give you a little hint about Wade here, I’ve enrolled him in Business 101. Now this is only his second or third day….but he’s coming along real swell. The great customer service piece, well that comes natural to him, I can’t shake him of that….It’s the spending cash with him that I’m really working on as you can see in the thread above…He just seems to have a problem taking money for no reason…I’m sure that soon, he will allow you and other customers to purchase something….now if I can just get him to charge for shipping….

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