New Lowrance Fishfinders (125, 126DF, 135)

  • Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    Brian, they’re coming buddy! Hold tight.
    Hell, it’s gonna be too cold for open water fishin’ for a while anyway…

    I know, I know! We don’t wanna wait for fishin’ toys!

    This will be good practice in patience for a slow bite day…

    I will keep you posted. Promise!

    Posts: 365

    Hey! I’ll also be watching for that update as I’m interested in the LMS 480 myself! Brian I saw your discussion on the Croix forum regarding finders….looks like you decided on the LMS 480 after all??

    Wade, would you recommend the Gold or Classic MMC card for that unit. Not sure I know what the difference is between the two.


    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Yeah Crankbait…I’m not real happy with my decision…but for what I’m going to use it for…it’s the best fit. I can’t see spending the money for two stand alone units…which is…in my opinion the best way to go…If I made a living on the river…big lake, it would be a differant story.

    With Lowrance, from the people I spoke…emailed, it sounds like if you had a problem with your unit…Lowrance did in fact take care of it…unless you had the x-15…these (if they had a problem) were the only people that weren’t happy with their service.
    This is why I’ve been sitting on the fence for so long….I don’t like supporting any company that doesn’t give “outstanding” service all the time.
    Of course the above is my opinion…other people may other thoughts.

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166


    I’d go with the Hotmaps Classic for the Lowrance LMS 480. The maps are mainly produced using the fishing hot spots data. I’ve got some info coming in from Navionics this week that I hope will provide a side-by-side comparison of a screen shot from the classic and the gold. I’ll post it on here when I get it.


    I think you’ll be okay with the Lowrance as opposed to the Garmin. I am aware that James and some others had some trouble with the x15 and did not get the problem resolved as hoped. That’s a shame and it’s not acceptable. I don’t know where they purchased the units but I would hope that the retailer would also go to bat for the customer if it came to that. I had to do it with Garmin on one particular issue with a customer and Garmin was GREAT about it. It took some work on my part. A few phone calls (waiting on hold) and emails, but it got done and done well. I have not had a situation come up with a Lowrance product yet but if I do, same thing. Phone calls, emails… If I have to get in my truck and drive to Tulsa, Oklahoma and sit in the Lowrance lobby to do what I can to see that a customer is treated right… (this isn’t being recorded right???).

    But you get the point. Consumers have power when it comes to demanding good customer service, but I also think that sometimes the retailer needs to go to bat for the customer as well. I am fully aware that Jolly Ann Marine is a small fish in a very big pond, but sometimes a little guy can yell pretty loud.

    Now, I like both Lowrance and Garmin and my interaction with both has been pretty good so far. They’re both good companies with very good products. If you want to buy the LMS 480, do so with confidence. You’ve got backup. And I don’t just mean me, or Jolly Ann Marine. I mean, you belong to an outstanding online community here at IDA. You belong to a community of consumers, and that can have power and influence.

    I’m getting a lot windy here, but I feel strongly about this. We as consumers should not have to go in to a purchase wondering (worrying) if we are going to get the service we deserve. I know I don’t have a magic wand, but I sure as heck will do my part to see that my customers, and my fellow anglers are valued and respected as consumers.

    Now, let’s get back to dreaming about relaxing on that slow-rolling river.

    Posts: 365

    Brian thanks for the insight.For my situation I’d have to agree on the single unit. I mainly fish the Mississippi and will probably use the speed overlay data the most. I’m sure I’ll get some use out of the mapping functions when and if I hit some bigger lakes this year or in the future, but for
    now I can’t justify spending the extra cabbage on two separate units.After playing with the LMS 320 demo I downloaded from Lowrance’s web site I think the 480 will work great for me.
    Yep,it’s getting harder and harder to find good service and reliability these days!

    Posts: 365

    Hey Wade thanks for the info! I’ll watch out for that comparison.
    Hmmmm….I think I might know where to go for some good service!

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Hey Wade,

    Do you sell RAM mounting hardware? I need a RAM mount for an Eagle Fishmark 320.



    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Since Wade made such a long post…I’ll make mine short….

    That’s why there was never a doubt – whatever I bought…it would be through you!

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166

    Waterfowler, I’ll shoot you a PM.

    Brian, .

    Northwest Iowa
    Posts: 6166


    Wade, would you recommend the Gold or Classic MMC card for that unit. Not sure I know what the difference is between the two.

    I’m looking at the images and I think I might now say the Gold looks better to me. The info looks to be about the same too. Ands the Gold can zoom to 1/4 NM on this lake while the Classic zooms to 1/2 NM (this is for Mille Lacs). Navionics tells me that it can vary from lake to lake. They sent me these images in a zip file so now I’m trying to figure out how to post ’em here. I’ll see what I can do.

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