Gas stabilizer

    Posts: 135

    Hey all,
    I recently overheard some guys talking about gas stabilizers.They were comparing “Sta-bil and Sea Foam”. The end result was they both do basically the same thing but the Sea Foam was a better choice for outboards. I use Sta-bil in my lawn mowers and golf cart, but no experience with Sea Foam. I have a 25 hp 4 Stroke Merc. I’m not sure if I should use either one. They also said they run the Sea Foam all year long.
    What is your input on this?


    Holmen, WI
    Posts: 3607

    I don’t agree with the statement that they do the same thing. It is my opinion that Sea Foam does more than stabilize gas. It seems to clean gunk out of the engine as well. Not a very technical answer, but I think you can get the idea.


    Tom P.
    Whitehall Wi.
    Posts: 3544

    I run seafoam in all my small engines and Opti 100% of the time. Maybe not neccesary…but I haven`t had to pull down a carb or injection system since I started using seafoam thats about 14 years now.

    I will run a can through my wifes car and work van about once every 60 days. First time I put it in my wifes Trailblazer and didn`t tell her she asked what I did to her truck . She noticed better gas mileage.

    Posts: 1137


    I will run a can through my wifes car and work van about once every 60 days. First time I put it in my wifes Trailblazer and didn`t tell her she asked what I did to her truck . She noticed better gas mileage.

    Do you mean a full can with a tank full ?

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    Seafoam works very well. Local Fire Dept sold me on it after showing me all the engine powered equipment sitting idle that must work on a moments notice. They use Seafoam.

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    I use seafoam in the boat every couple of tanks. I also run a tank with Stabil just before storage. Probably not necessary with the Seafoam, but it gives me a little more peace of mind.

    I also dump a can of Seafoam in the gas tanks of my car and truck when I change the oil (every 7000 miles). Seems to smooth things out a bit.

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    I run Seafoam all year. Never a problem.


    Posts: 3835

    I notice with seafoam (I love the stuff) if you have a really dirty motor, it will smoke and run a little rough until it does its job. I stabilize all of my gas run through my outboard because it can sit for a week or three as I often fish with my buddies who have bigger nicer rigs. Stabil will keep your gas from breaking down where seafoam will do the same and also clean out your carb and lines. Seafoam is more expensive but I only use it once a year. My buddy up in Eagle river has an old merc that was running like crap and killing all the time. He was about to haul it in and I ran a can through his tank. He called me the next week that it was now starting right up and not killing ever. tune up in a can.

    Posts: 1137

    At what mix ratio are you guys using seafoam
    and is it the same for all motors.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    I go by directions on the can.

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