Broken kill switch

  • dan-tessmann
    Kieler, Wis
    Posts: 664

    I some how managed to break my kill switch over the 4th. Its the part that snaps on and was wondering are they universal or unique to every brand of boat. Just want a answer before i start to look for one. Thanks, Dan

    Knoxville, IL.
    Posts: 208

    I went to Gander Mtn. and they actually have a universal key ring with every kill swith clip on it! think I paid ten dollars for it (8 or 9 clips) thought it might come in handy if someone needed one for different motor in the middle if no where? Johnson/evinrude, Merc, Yamaha, honda, Nissian, Mariner are all on clip. check it out.
    Later, Phil

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