If it’s anything like my 75, I’d do the following. There’s a hex head drain plug for the oil on the side of the lower unit housing right under the main motor housing, and a filter under the hood. Drain it, pull the filter, replace with a quality marine oil and filter. I’d also do the lower unit, two screws, one on the bottom of the unit by the skeg, the other a bit higher on the same side. I use the tire wrench that came with my Yukon to get the screws out, you want a beefy wide flathead (did I just say beefy flathead with out trying?). Get the bottom one out, then unscrew the top one, this will make the oil drain out of the unit by gravity. I would highly suggest a lower unit hand pump to replace the oil, it is very viscous. The pump allows you to attach to the bottom hole and pump the unit full until it drains out of the top hole, screw the top screw in, disconnect the hand pump and quickly screw the bottom plug in. The best thing I did when I bought my boat was to buy a manual for the motor, I believe it is by Climbers (sp)? Everything laid out, pictures, even a cave man like me can follow the directions. Good luck and be safe!